Oh No!!

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As the pairs left one by one, everyone at the table sat confused and shocked. They couldn't deny that there was some sort of tension between the pairs, but they couldn't point out what was it about.

Everyone had different thoughts running in their minds. "Is it just me, or did Yoongi hyung really speak more than two sentences? And he said it without cursing?" Tae asked, looking at people in front of him with wide eyes.

Kook and Ami simply nodded their heads, like puppets. Jimin sat there with a frown on his face. He was hurt and shocked that, his boyfriend didn't spare a glance at him and dragged Jin along with him.

He felt sad but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, he felt his chest tightening every time he thought about it. He shrugged it off, it was his boyfriend after all, whom he trusted more than his own life.

Kook saw everyone were deep into their thoughts, he also noticed that everyone were tensed and confused. He couldn't really understand what was the big deal about it, it wasn't that big to make everyone stop from eating.

He felt his stomach crying for the food in front of him. He gulped seeing the food that looked so appealing, he swore, he could eat it all. He wanted to devour everything by himself, but with shocked people at the table around him, it was a bad idea.

He thought it was better if he asked them first. If they refused, then he would happily eat everything by himself. He gathered his courage and spoke up, "Uh, hyung. Can we eat? I'm sorry, but I'm really, really hungry and this food just looks so delicious."

He licked his lips and looked at Tae, trying not to drool more, over the food in front of him. Ami and Jimin stared at him, before they burst out laughing. Kook didn't understand what made them laugh, but he felt humiliated.

A frown and an unconscious sad pout, unknowingly appeared on his face, which made him look more like an angry bunny.

Tae couldn't take his eyes off of the boy. He couldn't deny that boy looked so cute with a pout. He wanted to hold him, squish his cheeks and kiss his pout away, pecking every all over his chubby cheeks.

He was broken from his daze, when he was thinking about kissing the boy. He wanted to kiss him? But why? That was just absurd. He mentally slapped himself for thinking something like that about the younger.

He cleared his throat to gain his composure and Kook's attention. His heart again burst with cuteness when he saw the boy looking at him, with the same pout and frown on his face.

He ignored the laughing idiots and replied in a soft voice, "Sure. Let's eat." To his surprise, his voice sounded even more softer, than he intended it to be, "Even I'm starving after trying to get Jin hyung eat something" He said genuinely, rubbing his grumbling stomach.

Ami and Jimin, abruptly stopped laughing once they heard Tae. They looked at him as if he had grown another head. They looked at each other, telepathically agreeing that something was wrong with the model.

Tae was someone who would never speak softly or informally to anyone, other than his hyungs. They silently agreed to talk about it later and turned towards the table to eat. They were met with the youngest pouting and playing with his food instead of eating.

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