Ep 8. Not again

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"My mommy loves the color purple, she says that when she was little, like me, that she use to sit outside at some rock place and watch the sun go down and come up and it was always purple. My mommy and daddy had there first kiss there" she smiled widely at me while talking about her parents

"That's why her hair is purplish. I think, I don't know"

"So what's your favorite color?" I asked as we were sitting at the table working on her homework, but the girl was smart, she didn't even need my help

"My favorite color is purple and black, they're pretty together, what are your colors? Blue I'm assuming?" She said pointing to my blue t shirt

"Yea I love the color blue, blue and white are my colors, I think I look good in them"

"My daddy's favorite colors is red and cream, he said that he likes them because they mean danger"

"Oh, cool, I guess" i looked over at jay who was playing patty cake with some other girls

"Hey you wanna go play with the other girls?"

She looked over st them and shook her head "no."

"Why not?" "They don't like me, I feel like I said this before"

I laughed a little at her bluntness "maybe you should try, come on." I got out of my chair and put my hand out for her to take

She looked up st me and took my hand and got up walking over with me

"Hey, me and Leyanna wanna play with y'all too" jay and the little girl stopped their game and jay smiled "do we have room for two more people?" Jay asked the girls

They looked around each other then some shaking their heads no and a couple nodding

"They don't wanna play with me dave.." Leyanna said tugging on my shirt

Which made me mad

I bent down to their level "listen, you might not know Leyanna, but she's a cool girl, she's funny and nice and you guys need to be nice to her and let her play with you guys"

"We don't know her." Some girl said

I looked at her "Well you guys can get to know her"

"I don't want too, she's weird she's always quiet and sits in the back during class"

"What's your name?"

"Leslie" She said

"Leslie" She said

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