Ep 12. Wrong bitch, wrong fucking nigga

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"That nigga got some nerve!" Manis mother, jubria said while she was chopping up prices of chicken and throwing them into a pot

"How he gonna do some shit like that!"

"Momma, please, please let me beat that nigga up. "

"Mani no"

"Why not?" Mani asked sitting with jordynn and Liyah on the couch

Jordynn was laying with Leyanna, she had dried up tears still on her face as Leyanna was busy watching tv

"Because you don't need that right now, jordynn, sweetie I'm so sorry for everything, we should've known"

"It's fine Mrs kordei...I should've said something" she wasn't even zoned in, she was staring blankly at the wall thinking about if she did go back, what would happen

They all except for jordynn groaned st the sound of her phone buzzing every 3 minutes

She didn't even look at them because she knew they were Lucas, which made her anxious.

"That nigga is ruthless bro, he ain't never heard of the one text rule." Liyah said trying to make light of everything

"Not the time" mani said putting her hand in her face.

"Mommy?" Leyanna said yawning "yes baby?" "I'm tired."

"You're tired?" She asked making sure, Leyanna nodded sitting up

"Alright, uhm, Mani, Leyanna's tired, can we head out?"

"Yea Cool, come on Liyah, momma? We heading out, the baby's tired"

"Y'all sure you don't wanna stay and eat?" Mani tilted her head looking st her mother as jordynn and Liyah got up

"Momma, you just started cooking, no we don't wanna stay" she laughed a little grabbing her keys from the counter

"Alright alright, go on and get that little girl to sleep"

they all said their goodbyes leaving the house and taking Liyah home.


Waking up late, jordynn opened her eyes Staring at the ceiling of manis guest bedroom, feeling Leyanna asleep all over her she rubbed her face before gently pushing Leyanna on her side of the bed

She grabbed her phone from the dresser and looked at the time, it was already 9:15 am and being Leyanna's school started at 8 and she had to be at work by 8:30 she was past late and on her last strikes

"Fuck" she told herself before getting up from the bed and running over to her suitcases in the room and picking through trying to find outfits

She found two nice outfits and put them on the bed and woke Leyanna up

"Leyley, Baby you have to get up, it's time for school" she said tapping her back as she kept moving and finally woke up looking around the room

"I'm not in my room" ley said taking in the room, after being passed out the ride over here last night, she didn't know where she was

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