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Black girls, black women, you're all beautiful

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Black girls, black women, you're all beautiful.

Light skin, brown skin, dark skin, albino, you're beautiful.

4c hair or 3a, your hair is amazing.

Thick or thin

Skinny or chubby

Obese or anorexic

You're beautiful.

You are unique, we are unique.

Black people, black women especially, are the biggest trendsetters and most unique people on earth

From hoop earring fashion, AAVE to makeup and style

You carry yourself, everyday, in a way that non black women cannot.

Remember that.

They can't take your heart from you, they cannot take your soul, or your mind, or your culture away from you, it's in you.

They want to be like you, and they fail every time, because you can't copy something that can't be copied.

Black people come from everywhere, and can be anything, we are not a stereotype

My black is not ghetto, it is not loud, it is not obnoxious, and it is not ugly.

Black can be, whatever it wants to be, because,

Black goes with everything.

Beautiful Little black girls, beautiful young black ladies and beautiful black women, it's all love, positivity and power✊🏾.

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