Chapter 4, Ep 51. Interview me boo

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1 week later

"Bro, Listen, I'm scared."  I revealed siting in a chair outside of the breakfast club area

I was going to my first major interview, and it was only a day before my first concert, and I was scared as hell

"You gonna be good, just chillax and don't answer nothing youn wanna answer, alright?" Mani said fixing my hair

"David's in the room right next to y'all, we finna be listening alright? Dionne is gonna be in the room with you"

"Alright, I don't know why I'm so nervous"

"Because Charlemagne annoying as hell and likes to get annoying when doing this type of stuff" Dionne said walking up to us

"You ready? Cause they are babe" I stood up and took a deep breath before walking in

I've never done an interview, I was nervous a hell, I didn't wanna say the wrong things.

"Yo yo baby!" Charlemagne yelled standing up, I smiled walking over to him and giving him a hug along with Angela and dj envy, I don't know why I let them set this interview up, they are disrespectful in certain ways.

"What's up babygirl.." Angela said rocking me back and forth as we hugged "we got Jordynn Nicole in the spot yo!" Envy said into his microphone

I sat down in my seat
"Hi everyone" I said in the mic making them laugh

"You sound so babyish 'hi everyone' it's cute" Charlemagne said chuckling

"Alright we boutta get into some things with miss Jordynn, first up, we just wanna day congrats on the album, if you haven't check out her album it is called 'emotionally unavailable' and I gotta say Jordynn, you got some fye ass songs on that album man"

"Aw thank you"

"I just wanna know.." Angela began looking down at a sheet "Okay so I wanna know like, where does your inspiration with music come from? Because your music brings messages, or the ones I've heard do, I just wanna know where you get your inspiration"

"Uhm, I get my inspiration from life mostly. Usually my music tells stories and those stories are my life, made into a more emotion song " I chuckled a little

"So, your song fate? It sounds kind of like a, sad kind of, maybe depressing, what's it about tho?" Charlemagne asked

"Fate? Uh it's kind of a uhm, self conscious wake up call in a relationship, you know? Like, I don't know why I'm doing this, but I want to, I don't know why I love you, but I do."

"And is that about your ex? What's his name?" Angela snapped her fingers a couple times

"Lucas. He's a actor, and I heard he's making music now. Did you know that? Jordynn?"

"No I didn't, actually."

They all laughed "you know she don't care ma nigga, but speaking of your ex, and we want to be respectful when asking these questions because we know what it's like, or Atleast I do, my mother was, hurt by a couple dudes, I don't want to ask why'd you stay, because that's kind of rude but I wanna know you knew what the relationship was right?"

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