HB! [2]

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Jeongyeon watched the crowd below her from the rooftop of her department's building. Under the sunny bright sky, everyone was busy rehearsing for their upcoming graduation. 

She chuckled bitterly. She too should be there because she will be graduating with them. She should feel happy by that fact but instead, she could only feel nothing but misery.

Ever since she was a kid, she believed that it was okay to not have a friend. She didn't need one because she already had her family. Friends didn't matter at all for her but then someone unexpectedly entered her life and changed her heart.

A girl her age that she never thought she would click with. A friendship started and little the two of them knew that it would soon bud into a beautiful relationship.

As memories flashed through her mind, she gritted her teeth for the pain was surging back like volts of electricity piercing through her heart.


"W-What… How do you have that thing?!" The girl stood up quickly as soon as she got a sight of what was underneath Jeongyeon's pants.

"Let me explain–" Jeongyeon grabbed the girl's wrist only for it to be swatted away.

"NO! Don't touch me! H-How can you hide something like this from me? You're a liar!" Jeongyeon bit her lip, trying to prevent her tears from falling.

She was already regretting her decision of telling the truth. She just thought that maybe… maybe she will accept her.

"Wait, please just let me explain… I didn't mean to hide it nor to keep it a secret this long but… I am so scared… I don't want to lose you, babe" she sobbed, trying to hold her lover's arms, hoping that she would calm down but her lover kept shaking it away.

"But you lost me already… You're a monster! I don't think I can stay with you anymore. I… bye!" The young woman got off the bed and looked for her clothes that were thrown down the floor minutes ago.

"I thought… I thought you said you will accept me for who I am? Is that all a lie? How can you… just walk away from me like this… You are hurting me so much.'' Jeongyeon cried out as she watched her lover or now ex-lover trying her best to wear her clothes on as fast as she could as if she was really eager to get away from her. She heard a scoff from the lady.

"The fuck you doubt my love now? It's all true but I wish I didn't say that! Not to a monster like you! Who would not run away by seeing you? It's ugly and disgusting! I gotta go now" that was the last words her ex-lover said before fleeing the scene.

She folded, didn't know what to do. The pain on her chest amplified like crazy. Different sorts of negative emotion washed over her. Anguish, sorrow, and regret.

E N D  O F  F L A S H B A C K

Reminding her of that day brought back those feelings. This was not even the first time that someone ruined her after she let them in her life. 

That stupid doctor… her only friend back then, who promised to come back as soon as possible, never did.

"People will surely come into your life, lie about staying beside you forever, then leave you wondering what you did wrong to them… leaving you feeling shit while owning the blame for everything" her deep voice sounded so weary and lifeless, so flat like a mechanical robot.

Hello Baby! ➸ 2Yeon [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now