HB! [21]

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"I'll be downstairs waiting." Jeongyeon said leaving the room.

Today is my second prenatal visit and the first time I'll be going with Jeongyeon.

My first visit was with Sana and I was scared since I'm still hiding it to my father but now that I'll be going with Jeongyeon, it feels different.



Days goes by quickly and I can say that living with Jeongyeon is not really bad at all.

Well in fact, I just discovered some facts about her like how neat freak she is and how can she be over ballistic with just a mother freaking small snack wrapper I threw randomly on the floor since I'm tired to get my ass off the couch.

She sounds like an overly strict Asian mom scolding her child for doing a not so pleasing thing.

She was lecturing me for like half an hour but at the end, she clean it herself.

Such a wack.

Also, I just found some of her unexpected pet peeves. She snore often and louder than snorlax that I had to slap her to wake the shit up on her or put a pillow on her face to lessen the loudness of her annoying snore.

Oh yeah we share the same bed but that doesn't mean we're close already. We have this bed boundary and who crosses the line will be kicked out of the bed.

A literal kick to be clear.

"Isn't it unfair?" Jeongyeon asked sitting on the other side of the bed like a kid with her crossed legs and arms.

I raised my eyebrow. "What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"How can I kick a pregnant woman?" she asked.

"That's your problem to be solve, good night!" I said as I hide under the sheets.

I heard her sigh. As if she can do anything about it. *evil laughs*

But the most thing I like about her was her short patience.

Yes. The way she tried stopping herself from beating me up is quite amazing. So teasing her with that is my new found hobby like-

"For fucking sake Nayeon, you were like brushing your hair for half an hour, we're going to visit a doctor not some fancy mall!"

See, I did that on purpose.

"Fine, Ms. Snarky!" I rolled my eyes following her.

Ms. Snarky cause she easily get irritated.

She opened the car's door for me before she goes in.

Snarky the Gentlewoman I must say.

She drove to the clinic silently. I think she's still calming down with the sudden snapping to me.

I chuckled silently as I observed her facial expression.

"What's funny now?" she asked glancing to me a second before returning her sight to the road.

Hello Baby! ➸ 2Yeon [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now