HB! [42]

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A week later..

After Jeongyeon was discharged from the hospital, she took a rest for a week and Mina was there to take care of her.

Mina is a great woman. Someone must be lucky to having her on their side and that someone now was Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon stared at her phone displaying Nayeon's number.

Calling her means she's ready to let go of her and she's contemplating because she was never ready.

She took a deep breath before dialing the girl.

I guess it's the best for us.

The moment the girl picked the call up, her heartbeat raged telling her something.

"Hi" she greeted.

["Hello Jeongyeon, why did you call?"] Nayeon replied.

"Can we meet up?"

["right now?"]

"on Sunday if you're free"

["I am always free"] (for you)

"great, I'm going to pick you up after lunch"


Sunday came and Jeongyeon was waiting infront of Mr. Im's house earlier like she always do.

Waiting is something she was now used to since Nayeon was really slow as fuck.

She smiled to the thought of her and Nayeon bickering because of them being late.

"Hey" a voice called her.

As she looked up, her lips curved into a grin seeing Nayeon walking towards her wearing a simple white dress.

"Are you ready?" she asked and the girl nodded. She opened the car's door for her before entering then drove off.

"So where are we going?" Nayeon asked.

"Somewhere we never visited before" Jeongyeon said with a smile on her face.


"amusement park? Are you for real Jeongyeon??" Nayeon chuckled as they arrived at the place.

"Why? We never go here since you really hate rides" Jeongyeon chuckled

"And you knew it so why are we here?" Nayeon crossed her arms.

"I just want you to know how fun to be here" she held Nayeon's hand.

"No, let's go to some other place" Nayeon opposed but Jeongyeon pulled her.

"Jeongyeon are you freaking serious right now?!" Nayeon yelled at her as they went to the line for rollercoaster.


"can we ride something less extreme first? I guess it's too early for this." Nayeon said.

Hello Baby! ➸ 2Yeon [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now