HB! [30]

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"Good Morning!" Momo greeted the younger as she come in the office.

"Good morning!" Dahyun replied mirroring Momo's act.

"Any updates?" Momo bring her hands together and rest her chin over and look at the pale girl.

"It's good, I told her everything." Dahyun replied fixing her own table.

"What's her reaction?"


"I'm not telling you this to forgive me" Dahyun uttered while she was driving.

"I just want you to know because you deserve it" she added.

Sana remained silent.

She's still shocked at Dahyun's revelation but didn't show it.

The whole ride was quiet.

"We're here" Dahyun said and went out of the car.

"Thanks" Sana mumbled as she went in her place.

Dahyun making sure the squirrel will safely enter the building, wait there until Sana was out of sight before walking away.

"Wait, I left my phone and wallet at Momo's place!" Dahyun blurted out loud.

"So you walked from Sana's to your apartment?" Momo was surprised when Dahyun nodded.

"That's a hell of an energy drainer" Dahyun said remembering how many hours she spent to get on her place.

"Cool" Momo praised the girl that made the both of them laugh.

"Good morning love birds" Jeongyeon went in.

"We're not" the duo rebutted.

"Yet" the boss chuckled.


"Earth to Sana" Tzuyu pinched her lover's nose who was on her deep thoughts at the moment.

"Yaah" Sana whined making Tzuyu laugh.

They were hanging out together but Sana can't help not to think about what Dahyun told her last night.

"kiss for your thoughts?" Tzuyu said playfully.

Sana pouted her lips asking for some kiss but Tzuyu shakes her head.

"Not until you tell me what you've been thinking" Tzuyu said.

"But Sana want a ppoppo right now" Sana said doing aegyo and Tzuyu almost fainted. Her girl is just too soft to handle.

"Nope" Tzuyu declined.

Sana pouted like a kid who didn't get what she wants and the sight alone is irresistible so Tzuyu without a choice, pecked on the older's lips.

Sana beamed and hug Tzuyu. She loves Tzuyu so much and she never thought of hurting her.

After Dahyun's disappearance and her dad lying about Dahyun being insincere about her feelings, Sana taught herself to never be serious again.

When she said, she was devastated, she really was. Every night she always visit different clubs and bars for hook ups.

She changed her life. Her soft heart turned into cold ice. She's a mess more than Dahyun was.

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