HB! [13]

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A pat on my cheeks stirred me from my sleep.

"We're here" it's my butler.

I looked beside me just to see an empty seat.

She's such a bitch, she didn't even bother to wake me!

I fixed myself first before going out of the car which fetched us at the airport. I'm so tired to enjoy the view so I decided to rest first and maybe have fun tomorrow.

My butler guide me to the hotel where we're going to stay. It's at the 17th floor.

As I entered, I searched where's the bedroom since jet lag is still killing me. Fortunately, I found it. I dropped my belongings on the floor and plopped myself to the bed.

With just a minutes, I feel my eyes getting heavy then I let myself rest peacefully.



A consecutive vibrations woke me up from my slumber.

I checked my phone and there's a hundred message from my close friends and my family.

I opened my sister's message.


My lil sis is already
married. I can't
believe this (T▽T)

Enjoy your honeymoon

Please be gentle to her
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I stopped reading there since my sister's mind is getting wild on that part.

I opened another message and it's from my dad.


Congratulation my

You've really come so
far now.

I love you kid.
-from mom and dad.

Please take care of
your wife.
- eomma

I chuckled. Though they knew that it's just an arrangement, they still act like it was real.

Because of tiredness, I decided to read other messages tomorrow. I looked at the girl beside me who's peacefully sleeping and just sighed.

I don't think I can rest well tonight.

I turned my head and just watched the view outside. An hour passed and the car stopped in front of a luxurious looking hotel.

"We're already here Ma'am" the chauffeur told me.

I nodded before going out of the car.

"uh ma'am how about your wife?" he asked.

I looked at the girl through the window.

She looks like a divine angel when she's sleeping... Better to let her sleep there than just waking a demon. We're just going to fight if ever.

"No let her rest there first" I said and without waiting for his answer, I walked faster into the hotel to avoid further questions.

As I reached the said floor, I wandered my eyes inside the big yet well designed room. There's a huge glass wall that shows the whole beautiful view outside.

I searched for the bedroom so I can change my clothes into a comfortable one. The suit is somehow adding more distress feeling to me.

I sighed when I found it. I arranged my bag at an empty space and proceeds on taking off my coat. I went to the bathroom to wash myself.

After an almost hour cleaning myself and enjoying the hot water on the tub, I decided to go out of the bathroom and seeing a bunny laying on the bed, my mood dropped.

As I assumed, I will not be able to rest well tonight.

I looked at the bags that was scattered on the floor. I picked it and place it properly next to my bags.

I'm about to go out of the room when I heard something ringing. I checked my phone and it's not so I looked for Nayeon's. The sound was coming from her bag so I checked it.

It's her father calling. I looked at her sleeping deeply so I decided to answer it by myself instead of waking her up.

[ Nayeon, did you arrive already, I told you to send a message if you already there ]

"Dr. Bunny it's me Jeongyeon" I answered

[ oh kid where's Nayeon?? ] I looked at the girl sleeping on the bed.

"She's already sleeping Dr. Bunny. For sure she's tired because of the trip."

[ that's good to know. Jeongyeon please take care of my child. She may act like a brat but she's still a baby ]

I'm still looking at her peacefully sleeping when she moves causing her to ALMOST fall from the bed. It alarmed me so I approached her.

I stared at her, observing every features of her face. Her closed eyes, her not so pointed but cute nose, her rosy cute cheeks and lastly her mouth that's slightly open. I chuckled knowing that this bitch is a baby.

[ hey are you listening?? Yoo Jeongyeon you still there??] my thoughts was interrupted by the voice from the phone.

"uh.. Yes Dr. Bunny, I will take care of this girl" I said.

[ okay, I better get going now, enjoy your stay there. Be safe both of you]

"yes Dr. Bunny we will. Thanks. Goodnight" I said and with that we ended the call.

I placed the phone back to her bag and go to the bed. I positioned Nayeon properly so she will not fall if ever she moved again.

Shockingly, she didn't woke up.

She's a deep sleeper

I let out a chuckle before going out of the room. I went to the couch placed near the glass pane and settled myself down comfortably not forgetting to cover my whole body.

The view is breath-taking. While watching the scenery, dreamland is slowly taking over me.


This chapter is lame.

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