HB! [41]

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After that day, Jeongyeon never showed up again while Jungkook started to act like a real man towards Nayeon.

Knowing that she got his daughter, she will never let Nayeon slip away. They told Mr. Im the truth and he had a hard time accepting it but he let Jungkook visit them, things that he couldn't control since it's his stubborn daughter favor.

Jeongyeon on the other side, focused on her work and Mina but that doesn't mean that she's already giving up to their relationship.

It's too early to lose.

She always tell herself repeatedly  everytime she feel like breaking down.

She tried to concentrate on the documents she was reading but Nayeon's faces were everywhere.

Maybe they're right, she's already crazy.

"Aish!" she slammed her hands on the table startling Dahyun and Momo who were working silently in the office.

"Are you okay Ms. Yoo?" Dahyun asked.

"I'm fine" Jeongyeon muttered while massaging the bridge of her nose.

"You can rest now, we can take care of this for the rest of the day. Right Momo?" Dahyun stated.

"Wait what about our date??!" Momo whined.

"yes the date, we can do it tomorrow if you don't mind" Dahyun said giving Momo a just-agree-dummy-look but Momo doesn't seem to get the signal as she started throwing a low tantrums like a kid.

Dahyun sighed.

"Ms. Yoo, you should take a rest now" Dahyun smiled and Jeongyeon followed her for she thought it's the best for her.

Jeongyeon decided to stop by at the store on her way home and also to cleanse her mind for a while.

As she strolled through the aisle of fruits section, she bumped into the  girl she'd been thinking for God knows how long.

"Nayeon" Jeongyeon grabbed Nayeon's hand after she ignored her like they were stranger to each other.

"Nayeon, we're not going to end up like this, stop ignoring me" Jeongyeon said facing her.

"Let go of me Jeongyeon" Nayeon whispered.

She looked through her eyes and she can clearly see the other girl's longing.


"Nayeon I already picked the things you want me to-" Jungkook stopped as she saw Jeongyeon holding Nayeon.

"let's go" Jungkook pulled Nayeon away but Jeongyeon stopped him from doing it.

"What are you doing?" Jeongyeon asked getting pissed.

"taking her away from you" Jungkook said pushing her away.

Jeongyeon was about to start to fight but Nayeon stop her.

Hello Baby! ➸ 2Yeon [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now