HB! [15]

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"I went here after my divorce with my abusive ex-husband and that was 2 years ago" the lady we just met opened up comfortably to Jeongyeon.

I checked the ostrich beside me. She's staring at the girl. I should've say that she's listening but with her chin resting on her palm and her eyes focused to the lady speaking then I must say she's too engrossed to the Jihyo girl in front of her.

I rolled my eyes and concentrate to the food in front of me.

She does really have a thing for grown women.

"How about you? What's your business here?" Jihyo asked. My ears sharpened waiting for Jeongyeon's answer.

"Uh.. I'm just having a vacation with my friend" she said that quick like she's not thinking at all.

My eyes widened because of the lie she just spat right in front of my face.

I can't believe this ostrich.

I was about to protest when she pinched my legs under the table.

"Ouch!" I yelped that confused the mom and her son.

"Are you okay noona?" Daniel asked me cutely. Aww how sweet.

Not wanting to cause a disturbance and another painful pinch from the jerk beside me, I managed to reason out that an insect just bit my foot.

The two seemed to buy it so they continued their get to know each other phase.

The time passed by and they're still enjoying each other company, I didn't even get a chance to speak because they're too busy with themselves.

I glanced at my watch hoping that this day will end now and as if my mind casted a spell, my phone rang that stopped them from talking.

"Excuse me, let me take this call" I said grabbing my phone and walking away without looking back to them.

Phew finally.

I answered the call which was from my dad.

"my daughter, how are you and Jeongyeon there?" he asked with his natural sweet voice. The one that I've been missing.

I sighed deeply wanting to tell that I want this fake honey moon thing to end but I know that would upset my dad so I decided to lie. I'm expert at it.

"We're doing fine dad, we visited a beautiful museum here in Berlin and now we are.." I stopped a bit as an image of Jeongyeon talking with that lady flashed in my mind.

The smile that she gave Jihyo and the way she talked to her showing that she's enjoying the conversation with her.

Damn she can't even talk to me without sounding like she was annoyed or angry.

I felt a sudden ache right in my heart like it was encouraging me to cry. I don't know what I am feeling right now because it's somehow a mixture of disappointment, annoyance, bitterness and jealousy?

"Nayeon are you still there?" my father asked. I almost forget.

"ah yes, we are here at the restaurant eating" I said biting my lower lip so I will not make a sound that is very suspicious and that will make my father ask more.

"Oh did I disturb your meal with your wife? Sorry I'm just checking up on you two"

"Not really"

"If that so, I'm hanging up now, please take care"

"Yes dad" the call ended between me and my dad and now I'm battling myself if I'm going back there or go back home alone.

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