HB! [10]

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While the crowd was getting wild, I excused myself and went to the comfort room. As I entered the cubicle and did my business, a number of ladies went inside having a conversation.

I stayed inside, not even planning to listen to them but then I heard my name being included on their malicious gossip.

"Can't believe they hid their relationship for so long." I heard someone say.

"Well, Ms. Yoo is kind of shady for me. She's hard to read.." another girl added.

"I don't know that Ms. Im is the type of girl she wants" another one said.

"Yeah I really thought Ms. Yoo has a thing for Hirai" 

My ears grew bigger after hearing that. Sounds familiar.

"Yeah, I heard they slept together already" 


"heard that rumor too, but Hirai looks too innocent for that, I don't think they will do that"

"but there's a picture of them on the bed together duh, what do you think they do there, play monopoly?" 

They all laughed. I bit my lip.

"If that's real then Ms. Im should be more cautious now, Hirai and Ms. Yoo are really close. Did you see them at the hall together, they will make a hot couple if ever!" the other girls agreed.

Who's that damn Hirai?!

"Well, don't you think Ms. Yoo…" 

"Her aura shouts so damn playgirl" they chuckled.

"Duh, I am willing to be a mistress if she tried wooing me even after getting married" giggles erupted again from them. These dirty bitches.

"Speaking of that, what if she is already fooling around behind her back?" 

"Well if it's Hirai Momo then 100% yes" 

"How do you say so?"

"Let's be honest here, Hirai is hotter than her girl!" They laughed again and that was it.

I opened the cubicle's door and stormed out of the restroom.

Damn you, Yoo Jeongyeon!

I went back to the hall. My eyes were looking for someone and bingo! I saw her busy talking and laughing with someone. I was about to call her when I saw the one whom she was talking to.

Is that the Hirai girl?!

"Hey! Where did you go?" Sana tapped me. 

"I just went to the restroom" I answered, still eyeing Jeongyeon and how she laughed with that bitch.

"Your fiancee was looking for you a while ago" Sana told me. 

Fiancee my ass.

"Oh, there they are! Let's go to them" Sana squealed and pulled me towards their direction.

"Hello guys! I saw Nayeon already!" Sana told them and showed me.

"Hi" I greeted with a small mouth.

"Nayeon, where did you go?" Jeongyeon asked me but I didn't respond.

"Sooooo..." Sana felt the awkwardness start to bloom so she quickly interrupted.

"Jeongyeon-" Sana eyed her.

"Uhh yes, Nayeon, this is Hirai Momo and you already know her Momo" she said, chuckling.

Hello Baby! ➸ 2Yeon [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now