HB! [20]

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"was she rough?" Sana asked who was laying on her bed, busy on her phone.

"What are you talking about?" I asked throwing a cushion to her.

"Duh newly married couple things" she said looking at me for a second before bringing her attention back to her phone.

"We didn't do things like that" I said being annoyed just by the thought of having sex with that ugly monkey.

"really? I thought Jeongyeon is a type of a person who will not let hot chances slip away" she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes thinking about what happened when I woke up earlier. A red tint crept on my cheeks as I recall the scene.

"AAAAAAAAIIIISH" I scratched my head in aggresive way leaving my hair in a mess.

Fuck it.

"If that's the look women get after being married then I rather stay unmarried" Sana finally got up.

"All of this is stressing me out" I sighed leaning myself on the sofa.

"It's bad for your baby unnie" she replied that made me look at my tummy. Soon it will grow bigger and bigger, I will become fat then will become ugly. The thought of it just stressed me more.

"Do you find out something about Jeongyeon?" Sana asked narrowing her eyes towards me.

"What are you saying?"

"I discovered something amazing about your wife unnie!" she yelled at me. "Your wife is pretty famous, you know in business industry"

"Didn't you wonder why there's no much of issues, hates or disapproval shits about your wedding?" she told me. I shook my head.

"Seriously Nayeon unnie, you know nothing about your wife!" Sana scoffed.

"As if I'm interested about her"

"Everything is interesting about her unnie. You're so lucky to be a wife of a gorgeous and hot business woman" Sana spoke like she's describing a fantasy character.

I launched another cusion and guess what? It didn't miss.

"Yah! Why did you do that?" she growled like an angry squirrel.

"You're fancying to my wife in front of my beautiful face" I said in a sassy tone.

"Geez, just say that you're jealous directly" Sana chuckled.

"Anyways, I came across with this article about Jeongyeon last year." she said looking through her phone again.
"what is it? Read it for me"

"In an international conference, she revealed that she's an intersex and after that, the community applauded her for being bold enough to do that. She got awarded in some kind of grammy like extravaganza!" Sana ended with a seal-like clap.


"Why aren't you shock? Happy? Proud?" Sana asked me in disbelief.

"Well.. I'm happy for her for being brave enough to show herself" I said.

"and the fact that she's an intersex! Who knows how hot she could be with that pack-" I cut her off again by throwing my purse to her.

Hello Baby! ➸ 2Yeon [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now