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"You nervous?" Natasha whispered, lying in bed beside Steve.

Steve yawned. Out of politeness, Steve covered his hand with his mouth and shrugged. Sleepily teasing, "Why would I be nervous?"

Scoffing, Natasha shoved at Steve's shoulder, causing him to chuckle. His chuckles were soon replaced with a loud, "Holy shit," when he started to fall off the bed. Arms flailing, Natasha loudly laughed and her grip slackened on Steve's slender wrist.

Of course, with all the commotion, the light was turned on. Both squinting, they looked over at Natasha's doorway where Ivan was standing. Steve sat up then and Ivan sternly reprimanded, "Girls."

"Dads," Natasha sassed.

Ivan's brows furrowed and he groggily snipped, "What?"

"You addressed me as plural," Natasha shrugged and explained, "I did the same."

Annoyed, Ivan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before sternly stating, "Go to bed."

"I'm in bed," Natasha sarcastically reminded.

Steve held his face in his hands. Although Steve knew that Natasha had her reasons for being problematic, and understood those reasons, he wished that sometimes she would just hold her tongue. But then she wouldn't be Natasha.

"Go to sleep," Ivan amended before threatening, "Or I'll send Ste--"

"Okay!" Natasha interrupted, holding her hands up in surrender. Natasha pulled her black down comforter back and patted the blood red sheets, insisting for Steve to rejoin her in bed.

Ivan gave them a stern look, but didn't say anything as Steve climbed into the queen size bed and both laid back. Ivan turned the lights off then and closed the door before heading down the hall to his own room.

Both laid there silently for a moment as they waited to hear Ivan close his own bedroom door behind him. Then, both teens relaxed in the bed. Steve let out a sigh of relief and rubbed his hand over his face. One of the reasons why the pair preferred Steve's house for their sleep overs was because Steve's house had better installation. Plus, they didn't have a bedtime there either.

"We should just get our own place now," Natasha muttered.

Steve rolled onto his side, like the way he had been laying prior and wished that he could give more comfort to his best friend. The only thing that he could think of was, was to joke, "Maybe my mom will adopt you too."

"I wish," Natasha stated, rolling over to face Steve. Settling into her place, Natasha teased, "Might be difficult though. I like being the cute one in the family."

"Shut up," Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Natasha giggled and wistfully sighed. Steve was sure that they would be sleeping soon. Until...

"Where are you going?" Steve stage whispered as Natasha climbed out of bed.

"I need to do something," Natasha stated, heading over to her bathroom.

Steve's brows furrowed and he glanced over at Natasha's alarm clock to find that it was a little after midnight. Steve's gaze drifted to the bathroom then and he bit his lower lip. The door was open, the light on, and he could hear Natasha rummaging around in one of the drawers.

His curiosity finally getting the better of him, Steve sighed and forced himself out of bed. As quietly as possible, Steve crossed the room to join her in the bathroom. Finding Natasha holding a needle up in victory and a wild look in her eyes.

"Uh?" Steve asked, playfully holding his hands up in fake surrender, "What cha got there, Nat?"

"A needle," Natasha exaggerated, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously. Looking at the large needle, Natasha was clearly forming a plan and she started heading out of the bathroom.

Steve's brows furrowed and he asked over his shoulder, "What are you going to do with it?"

"You'll see," Natasha sing-songed, returning to the bathroom with phone in hand.

Leaning against the doorframe, Steve crossed his ankles and rested his head there too. Cautiously, curiously watching Natasha as she set her phone down on the counter and opened the lower cupboard to find something. When she pulled her hand back to reveal a bottle of rubbing alcohol, Steve's eyes widened and he pushed himself away from the doorframe.

"Please tell me that you're not going to do what I think you're going to do," Steve pleaded, clenching his jaw.

"That depends," Natasha stated, opening the bottle and pouring some of the clear liquid into the cap.

"On what?" Steve questioned, watching Natasha place the needle in the liquid.

Washing her hands, Natasha smirked, "Whether you want me to lie."

"Natasha, I swear to fucking god --"

"Stevie," Natasha declared, scandalized. Feigning disappointment, Natasha tsked, "Such language. It's simply sacrilegious to take our lord and savior's name in vain."

Steve rolled his eyes, but before anything else could be said, Natasha had the needle in hand. Steve held his breath, hoping that Natasha would decide not to go through with it. She was hesitating, after all. Maybe she would decide to just wait to get it done professionally. Maybe she would --

"Fuck!" Natasha exclaimed, quickly and aggressively piercing the large needle through her nostril.

"Oh fuck," Steve declared. His words muffled by him clasping this hands over his nose and mouth, like he was trying to contain a sneeze. As he winced, he couldn't look away as he watched Natasha grab a tiny skull stud and place it in the hole before completely pulling the needle through her nose.

Natasha sniffled and leaned over the counter, closer to the mirror as she asked, "What do you think?"

"That I'm glad you're my best friend," Steve teased. Natasha looked over at him and Steve said, "I'd hate to get on your bad side."

Natasha's lips curled up and she sweetly concurred, "Fear me."

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now