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Glancing in the direction that everyone was heading, Steve noted that they weren't at a lake like Steve assumed. They were at someone's house. Becca and Mandy were leading the way down the path, each holding a side of the large cooler. Sam was carrying Tibby on his back and both were loudly singing. Behind them on the path, was Brock who had his arm around Sharon's shoulders while she snuggled closer to her boyfriend. Steve could only imagine how Natasha felt as she followed.

Steve noticed the large log cabin house then and quietly questioned Bucky, "Are we allowed to be here?"

"Yeah," Bucky confirmed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his turquoise swim trunks. An easy grin was on his face as he started heading down the pathway. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure that Steve was following, Bucky bit his lip when he realized that Steve was following him, and clarified, "It's the Barton abode. Clint's probably already down at the hole."

Steve nodded, staring up at the large house as they continued down the foot path beside the house. Looking exactly like the Lincoln Log houses that Steve used to build with Joseph. As they continued on the downslope, the house's lower level was made of stone. Flower vines grew twisted along the support beams of the deck, and a longing twisted into Steve's gut. He needed to call his family.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Bucky softly said beside him.

Looking up, Steve found Bucky was leaning in close. A smirk tugged at Steve's lips when he spotted Bucky's own grin. Steve directed his attention in front of him and agreed, "It's really beautiful."

Bucky nodded and leaned back, away from Steve. The pair following far behind the rest of the group. Moving silently down the gravel path. Steve glanced sideways at Bucky and found him glancing right back at him. Bucky's eyes were squinting due to the sun and Steve couldn't help but chuckle at how cute he was.

"What?" Bucky chuckled.

Steve simply shook his head, a smile glued to his face as he told Bucky, "Nothing."

"Nothing," Bucky mocked. Steve's grin grew and Bucky continued, "Yeah, uh huh, sure."

The butterflies fluttered in Steve's stomach again and he stated, "You should've worn sunglasses."

"Yeah, well," Bucky scoffed, "I told you that I wasn't a genius."

Steve looked over at Bucky, studying the brunet. Not liking the way that Bucky's lips were quirked down in the starting of a frown. The pair might have been getting to know each other over the short amount of time that they had known each other, but Steve didn't have to know Bucky too well to recognize the vulnerability and the insecurity.

"Ya know," Steve started, briefly worrying his lower lip with his teeth before continuing, "I read a study once about how being forgetful was linked to a higher intelligence."

Steve wasn't sure what he was expecting for Bucky after that comment, but he expected Bucky to say something. Even just a hum of acknowledgement. But he didn't. So, Steve peeked over at Bucky. His heart stuttering in his chest as he spotted Bucky biting back his own grin.

Maybe Bucky didn't have to say anything. Especially since the look said everything and more than what Steve could've anticipated or wanted.

So, Steve happily continued down the path. Finding comfort in the silence as they walked together. As they followed the path, it eventually became more dense. Trees surrounded them and took over from the manicured lawn and field.

Steve tipped his head up to look at the trees that blotted out the sun and closed his eyes to get lost in the breeze. To get lost in the summer and whatever it held for him.

"You should've brought your sketchbook," Bucky softly mused.

Opening his eyes, Steve turned to look at Bucky. Despite Bucky pressing his lips together, Steve could still spot the smirk tugging at his attractive red lips. Just to mess with Bucky a little, Steve challenged, "Who says that I didn't."

At that, Bucky directed his attention back to Steve. Studying Steve for a moment and causing Steve's heart to stutter in his chest while he attempted to seem confident with Bucky's eyes appraising him. Steve was sure that Bucky was going to call him out on his bluff. Instead, Bucky turned to face the front again and pulled his hand from his pocket so he could run it through his dark hair. Steve was positive that Bucky only did so in hopes of hiding the large grin that was spreading across his face and crinkling up to his eyes.

Pleased with himself, Steve nearly skipped the rest of the way, but held himself back. He pressed his lips together and glanced down at the gravel path as he had the strange urge to take Bucky's hand as it swung freely between them as they walked. Steve wondered if Bucky felt it too.

Choosing not to voice it though, Steve focused on the music that was getting louder the closer they approached. An upbeat punk-rock song that made Steve want to tap his feet. Discreetly, Steve strummed his fingers on his thigh as he entered the clearing.

Pausing on the well-manicured grass, Steve looked over the swimming hole. Steve's eyes weren't sure what to take in first. The stream that trickled down between the large boulders was aesthetically pleasing. Colorful plants that grew around the area made Steve homesick. A thick rope that hung from a tall tree that Sam was currently swinging from before jumping into the water was something that Steve needed to try.

"Sure is something, huh," Bucky stated. Speechlessly, Steve nodded as he marveled at the sheer size of the large swimming hole. Bucky softly chuckled and playfully nudged him, gaining Steve's attention as he suggested, "C'mon."

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now