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"It needs a little more mustard," Aunt Winifred instructed after tasting the potato salad that Steve was mixing together.

"More mustard?" Steve questioned with a quirked brow, holding up the container of mustard. Winifred nodded and Steve shrugged and tipped it over, squirting a decent amount into the large bowl before placing the bottle of mustard back on the counter and picking up the large spoon. Mixing the mustard in, even though his arm was sore.

Winifred took another taste and finally approved before moving over to the island where Natasha was rolling meatballs. Winifred looked over the balls and narrowed her eyes as she evaluated them like she was a host of a cooking show. Then, Winifred informed Natasha, "They need to be smaller."

Moving onto Sam, who was mixing a large pitcher of lemonade. As Winifred poured a small amount into a class, Sam stood back from the counter. Arms crossed and an arrogant grin on his face. When Winifred nodded in approval, Sam stuck his tongue out at Natasha and Steve. Clearly being proud of his work.

Winifred reached up and affectionately patted the top of his head and quickly moved on to the next person. Who happened to be Mandy on the deck, getting the grill ready. Giving it a quick glance and fondly squeezing Mandy's shoulder while moving along the deck to instruct Clint and Brock where to move the furniture.

Steve's attention, however, had been set on Bucky who was wrapping twinkle lights around the trees. Stopping periodically to playfully jump at Tibby, as though he was going to attack her. Causing her to squeal and run off to the playset swing set where Becca was waiting for her. Steve grinned down at the bowl of potato salad.

It was the Fourth of July, and the Barnes' apparently had an annual barbeque to celebrate. Steve and Natasha hadn't been unaware of the celebration until they woke up that morning to find the household getting ready for the night.

Sure, it wasn't an ideal way to spend his birthday, but Steve didn't mind. After all, what else was he going to do? Even if they were back home, Steve wouldn't really be doing anything. Perhaps have a cake, but Steve didn't particularly have that sweet of a tooth. Barring black licorice. And Natasha had already surprised him with an extra bag of licorice that she had been hiding particularly for this day.

"This is bullshit," Natasha complained while taking the already rolled meatballs and mushing them down and splitting them in half. Annoyed, Natasha blew at up as though she was moving her bangs despite them being held back by a thick magenta headband. Natasha snarked, "Who's idea was it to put the lesbian in charge of handling the balls?"

Sam barked out a laugh at that and Steve couldn't help but chuckle too. Steve pointed accusingly at Sam while Sam pointed right back at him. Of course, that only caused the pair to laugh even more.

"Stevie," Natasha whined, stomping her foot for added effect as she begged, "Come help me!"

Dramatically, Steve rolled his eyes and threw his head back as he sauntered over to the sink. Quickly washing his hands before heading over to the island and looking over the mounds of meat that were rolled into vaguely and misshapen balls. Steve's brows furrowed and he huffed out a breath and gave Natasha a pointed look.

"Again," Natasha complained, "Who decided that the lesbian should be handling the balls?"

Steve shook his head. The smile stayed on his face, and grew when Sam loudly chuckled. Steve picked up a large mound of raw meat mixed with seasoning and squished it down. Splitting it into two and rolling each into round balls.

As Steve went to pick up another mound, a loud beep went off and startled Steve so much that he almost dropped the meat in his hand. Sam moved around the island and squeezed past Steve to get to the oven. Grabbing the royal purple oven-mitt, Sam opened the oven door and pulled out a tray of miniature, patriotic mixed berry pies.

"Pies are done," Sam happily announced.

Natasha exchanged a look with Steve before admitting, "'Smell good."

"Taste good too," Sam promised, setting the tray down on the stove-top burners. Cheerfully, Sam turned the oven off and made his way back over to his designated station. Reaching up and grabbing another large pitcher from the cupboard.

Steve continued splitting Natasha's previously made meatballs and curiously asked Sam, "What'cha makin' now?"

"Kool-Aid," Sam answered, smirking over his shoulder.

"Duh," Natasha teased while Steve questioned, "What flavor?"

"Um," Sam started and grabbed the canister of powder. Holding it in his hands, he read, "'Sharkleberry Fin.'"

Natasha giggled, "What the fuck even is that?"

"Well, there looks to be bananas, strawberries, and oranges," Sam clarified, turning around and holding the canister out to Natasha and Steve. Then, his expression lit up as he added, "But most importantly, the Kool-Aid Man looks almost as happy as the shark he's riding."

"Because that's what really matters," Steve mockingly agreed.

Sam turned around, to get back to making the drink and conceded, "Obviously."

"Right," Natasha deadpanned, "Who needs to know if it tastes good. As long as the artwork is cute."

Chuckling, Sam threw his head back and Steve couldn't help but join in. Even Natasha couldn't avoid it as the contagious laughter filled her up too. It was difficult not to indulge in the laughter, so Steve didn't try to refrain himself.

Over the laughter, a woman called out from the foyer, "Hello?!"

Sam's laughter immediately ceased and he hurried to dump the measured Kool-Aid powder into the pitcher before leaving the kitchen. Steve and Natasha exchanged a look, not sure what was going on. Instead of voicing themselves, they silently continued rolling the meatballs.

"Smells good," the same voice declared, entering the kitchen from the living room. The woman paused and said, "Natasha, sweetie, what did you do to your hair."

Steve peeked up at the black woman then, watching as she crossed the room to the island and reached out to touch Natasha's gray bob. Natasha smiled up at the woman and asked, "What'cha think, Aunt D?"

"I think we switched colors," Aunt D, giggled, tucking her own vibrant red hair behind her ear. Noticing Steve, she paused and greeted him, "Hello."

"Hi," Steve shyly smiled, concentrating on the raw ball of meat in his hand. Remembering back to how Ivan gave them his dead name, Steve quickly introduced himself, "I'm Steve."

"I'm Darlene," she introduced herself. After a moment, she giggled and admitted, "I'd shake your hand, but..."

"That's okay," Steve reassured, "'The thought that counts."

A slow smile crossed her face and she decided, "I like you. I'll keep you."

At that, a large grin tugged at Steve's lips. Knowing that he was accepted was the best birthday present that Steve could've ever asked for.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now