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"I can't believe that stupid son-of-a-bitch motherfucker," Natasha grumbled, stomping over to her spot and angrily plopping down beside Steve.

Steve kept his eyes closed and lifted his finger to his lips as he shushed Natasha, "Tibby's right there."

"So?" Natasha declared, even though she lowered her voice and playfully stated, "At least when she returns to school she'll have a good story to tell and a colorful new vocabulary."

"I'm sure that your aunts will be pleased," Steve good-humoredly scoffed.

"Probably about as much as your mom was when Eddie called the PlayStation a, 'bitch,' for not loading his game," Natasha reminded with a giggle.

Steve loudly chuckled and rolled onto his side to tell Natasha, "I completely forgot about that."

"How could you forget?!" Natasha snorted, "Your parents were so pissed." Steve nodded, agreeing because Sarah and Joseph had been upset. Warning Steve and Natasha both about how they needed to set a better example for such an impressionable --

"God, your mom is so hot when she's pissed," Natasha feigned a wistful sigh.

"Gross," Steve's face scrunched in discomfort and he playfully shoved at her shoulder as he whined, "Nat, we've talked about this."

Natasha held her hands up in surrender, "Hey, it's not my fault that you come from an attractive gene pool. You should feel proud knowing that --"

"Hey," a pleasant female voice interrupted. With her mouth still open in her half-sentence, Natasha turned to look over first. As Steve turned to face forward, he heard Natasha harshly snap her mouth closed.

There, Sharon stood in a baby blue halter one piece that clung to her athletic frame. Droplets of water clung to her golden tan skin and caused the scalloped detailing at the top of her suit to stick to her chest. Quickly, Steve snapped his eyes up to hers and found her expression apologetic as she started, "I'm sorry about, Brock. He's kind of like a --"

"Douche?" Natasha supplied.

Sharon pressed her lips together and glanced down at the ground while she crossed her arms along her chest. Steve elbowed Natasha and Natasha shrugged innocently. Steve shook his head and redirected his gaze to the leggy blonde in front of them.

Rubbing at her elbow, Sharon took in a deep breath and scrunched her face as she admitted, "Yeah. I was going to say, 'like a kid.' But, yeah."

Not sure what to do with that, Steve simply blinked. Although, he could feel the arrogance wafting off of Natasha beside him. Sharon continued, "He's better once ya get to know 'im."

Steve doubted that, but he decided not to argue with the guy's girlfriend. After all, Sharon seemed like a good person who had a pretty decent ability to judge someone's character. So, if she liked Brock, that had to mean something, right?

"Thanks," Steve accepted Sharon's apology, but still kept a wary eye on Brock, who was currently dunking Clint.

For a moment, the trio was silent. Sharon was chewing on the inside of her cheek and Steve wondered if she believed him. Steve was well aware that he was a terrible liar, but he still tried when it could diffuse a situation.

Finally, Sharon gestured towards the ground and asked, "Ya mind if I just..."

"Uh," Steve started.

"No, not at all," Natasha eagerly finished, climbing onto the now damp towel that Steve was sitting on.

Steve's brows furrowed at Natasha, but Natasha wasn't paying him any attention. Her gaze was locked on Sharon. Sharon who was bashfully smiling as she took a seat on the dry towel where Natasha had been. Steve watched Natasha for a moment, trying not to chuckle at the way that Natasha was acting. Sure, Steve was aware that Natasha made sure to treat any lady that she was interested in well, but it was still funny.

Sharon sat crisscross on the yellow towel and happily smiled at Steve and Natasha. Her naturally wide eyes looked between the pair. First at Natasha, then Steve, then back to Natasha. Sharon's smile stayed on her face, crinkling up to her eyes, and she took in a deep breath. Steve was positive that she was going to say something, but she didn't.

So, Steve did.

"How long have you, uh," Steve started and realized that he had literally nothing to follow it up with. Grasping at straws, Steve continued, "Been, uh, been... friends... with the Barnes'?"

"Oh, uh," Sharon smiled and nodded, "Yeah. I've had classes with Sam since... forever. Even had 'em with Bucky --" casually, Sharon became louder as she teased "-- before he got too smart for us!"

"What?" Bucky curiously asked from beside Steve.

Steve pressed his lips harshly together and dug his fingers into his palms to actively keep himself from looking up at Bucky. Knowing that he'd find a nearly naked Bucky, dripping wet. And Steve knew that he most definitely wasn't ready to find that looming over him.

"Oh, just saying that we used to be quite the pair back before you got too smart for all of us," Sharon sweetly smiled at Bucky, showing off her perfect teeth.

"Oh, please," Bucky scoffed.

From his shadow, Steve could see that Bucky was crossing his arms. Steve dug his nails deeper into his palms. Desperately clinging to his dignity to not tilt his head up and look at the gorgeous brunet who was standing beside him, dripping wet, and probably just as attractive as he always was.

"Oh, please," Sharon good-naturedly mocked.

As Steve sat there, trying to restrain himself. His breath hitched when Bucky casually took a seat next to him. Not sitting on the wet towel. Not sitting too close. Keeping an appropriate -- and annoying -- distance from Steve.

Steve eyed the tiny gap between Bucky's knee and his own. All he had to do was stretch his --

Accidentally knocking his knee against Steve's as he leaned back on his palms, Steve reminded himself to remain calm. To not let on that his heart was racing in his chest. Praying that Bucky couldn't tell that Steve was burning at the simple spot where their kneecaps were touching.

Attempting to be as nonchalant as possible, Steve mimicked Bucky's posture. Leaning back, Steve's fingers accidentally touched Bucky's instead of the soft towel. Quickly, Steve sat straight up again. Cringing at his own mishap, Steve peeked over his shoulder to look back at Bucky.

A slow grin crossed Bucky's face and he shifted slightly. Moving his hand just a bit. Giving Steve a little space. Steve tried to smile back when, really, he felt disappointed. Facing forward again, Steve decided to appreciate what he had: a boy who respected his space.

Leaning back, Steve steadied himself on his palm, flat on the towel. Finding comfort in the fact that Bucky was still sitting beside him. Finding comfort in the spot where their knees touched, no matter how small the spot happened to be. Finding comfort in the fact that Bucky was simply there beside him.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now