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As it often did, the summer flew by. Barely giving Steve a chance to blink before he realized that two weeks turned into two days. And no matter how much Steve had spent tucked under Bucky's arms or cuddled into heartwarming hugs, he wished he had more. More cuddles. More teasing. More kisses. More time.

Pausing in his sketch, Steve shifted in his seat on the deck step. Of course, since Steve was using Bucky as nothing more than a glorified chair, Bucky moved a bit too. Stretching out his legs that rested on either side of Steve's hips, Bucky affectionately swept his hand through Steve's hair, pushing the blond strands away from his face.

Closing his eyes, Steve just absorbed all of this. Never wanting to forget this moment. Knowing that he never would. Especially not when Bucky leaned in and tenderly pressed a kiss to the left side of Steve's head.

With his lips still pressed to Steve's sweaty skin, Bucky complimented, "I'm amazed by how talented you are."

"Okay," Steve sarcastically agreed, even though he was blushing so much that it even crept down his neck.

"I'm serious," Bucky reassured, wrapping a strong arm around Steve's frame as he continued, "I can't wait until I look in a magazine one day and see that you're one of the most influential artists of our time."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and giggled, "I think that you've read too many articles about your mom."

"Maybe," Bucky chuckled. Pressing another kiss to that same spot as before, Bucky wrapped both arms around Steve's body. Not holding nearly as tight as Steve wanted, Bucky swayed them from side-to-side as he argued, "But that doesn't mean that it's not gonna be true with you."

Looking down at the sketchbook in his lap, Steve saw the simplistic sketch of the Barnes' backyard. In the last two weeks, Steve had drawn everything about this cozy, colorful, loving house. Trying to make it so realistic that looking at them could take him right back to that summer. No matter how many years passed.

Needing to be held tighter, Steve removed the sketchbook and pencil from his lap. Placing his hands over top of Bucky's, Bucky squeezed Steve just a bit tighter. Just a bit closer. The melancholy was surrounding them. Practically suffocating them. But in Bucky's arms, Steve could let everything fall away.

"Aw," a deep voice mocked, breaking through Steve's thoughts and causing his happy place to crumble around him. Steve turned his head and found none other than the one person that he wouldn't miss once he left for home.

Brock glared at them and sneered, "Isn't this cute."

Bucky pulled back and turned to yell at the house, "Sam! Your friend's here!"

"You mean, we're not friends?" Brock mocked as the other members of the Barnes' family exited the house through the French doors.

Steve rolled his eyes and contently nuzzled his back into Bucky's chest, wishing that Bucky would bury his face in his neck again. Thankfully, Bucky gave his torso a comforting squeeze. Appeasing the blond for a moment.

Sam hopped off the short deck and victoriously stretched his muscular arms over his head. Smiling at the happy pair sitting on the deck and deck step, Sam asked, "You wanna come swimming?"

Bucky shrugged and nuzzled into Steve's neck again to quietly question, "Ya wanna go?"

Giving Steve the option to decide, Bucky silently sat behind him and waited. Steve knew that he wanted to hang out with everyone. Well, everyone except for Brock. Who would probably be driving. Who would probably throw Steve back into the Bartons' swimming hole.

It didn't take much for Steve to make up his mind.

Before he could answer though, Brock bitterly scoffed, "It's okay, Stephanie Grace. We'll just stand around waiting for you to make up your mind. Just like with everything else."

As soon as Steve heard the name, he froze. Not just him though. The people surrounding him froze. Snapping their attention to Brock. Mandy and Becca's own conversation ceased. Sam dropped his arms along with going slack-jawed. Sharon even gasped. Bucky tightened his arms around Steve, almost as though he was trying to keep him safe. Glad that Winifred and Darlene took Tibby to get some new back-to-school necessities.

In that moment though, everything shifted. The Arkansas heat felt like a winter breeze in New York. Chilling Steve to his bones. No, not his bones. Chilling him straight to his core. His very being. Feeling completely exposed in that moment in front of people who only knew who he was becoming.

And there it was, the dysphoria that burned Steve inside out, like bile that rose and needed to exit. That caused his extremities to go numb and his stomach to coil. Twisting uncomfortably as though it was trying to pull Steve inward, into his deepest fears like a black hole through his belly button.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now