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The trio paused at the high pitch squeal. Looking around for the familiar voice, Bucky dropped Steve's hand. And although Steve tried not to take it too personally, his heart still mourned a little as his skin started to cool without Bucky's warmth. Even in the Arkansas heat, Steve wanted to be wrapped up in Bucky.

"Bucky!" The girl voice called again, getting louder now and gaining more attention from the surrounding people.

Clenching his jaw, Bucky turned around and backtracking a few steps, looking for the girl. At one of the paths leading up to the barns, Bucky caught Tibby as she jumped into his awaiting arms.

Situating his youngest sister on his hip, Bucky made his way back over to Steve and Natasha. All the while, quietly -- and sternly -- questioning the petite brunette, "Where's Mom?"

"At the barn," Tibby answered, hugging him close. Shyly waving at Steve and Natasha, she informed, "Mama's at the petting zoo with the goats."

Bucky nodded and softly scolded her, "You know you're not supposed to run off. Who were you with?"

"With Sharon," Tibby dropped her gaze and her voice as she reluctantly admitted, "I lost her when I went to the bathroom." Tears were starting to roll down her flushed cheeks as she continued, "I didn't know what to do and then I saw you."

"Shh," Bucky gently shushed her and soothingly rubbed her back as she buried her face in his neck, fully crying now. Bucky held her a little tighter and softly reassured, "I'm not mad at you. Mom and Mama aren't going to be mad at you either. We just want to make sure you're safe."

Noticing that others were watching, Steve lightly touched Bucky's arm. Bucky dropped his gaze to Steve. Steve gave the crowd of people a pointed look and Bucky realized that people were watching them.

"C'mon," Bucky told Steve and Natasha, backtracking the way that Tibby had been. Steve made sure to fall in step beside the tall brunet and Natasha held on to Steve's hand as she followed. Bucky instructed, "Keep an eye out for Sharon."

"Duh," Natasha sassed.

The three searched the area and Natasha moved slightly away from the group to scan the area closest to her. Steve kept his gaze forward, scanning the faces, looking for a familiar one. As he took a step away from Bucky, Tibby's tiny hand grabbed onto Steve's shirt, stopping him.

Steve's gaze fell on Tibby. Her flushed face was resting on Bucky's shoulder and she explained, "Don't wanna lose you too."

Sweetly smiling up at Tibby, Steve took her hand and reassured, "You're not going to."

Just then, someone poked Steve's sides. Immediately, Steve jerked and squirmed away from the person. Whipping around to find Brock who was pleased with his actions. Brock was grasping onto his stomach as he doubled over in his laughter.

Steve rolled his eyes and crossed his arms along his chest. Clearly not amused as Brock was in the moment. Sharon came up then. She took one look at Brock hysterically laughing and Steve's annoyed standoffish demeanor, and assumed Brock had done something that he shouldn't have.

Slapping Brock's arm, Sharon quietly, fiercely accused, "Did you slap his ass?"

"No!" Brock insisted, standing up straight again. His laughter ceasing instantly as he questioned, "Why the hell would I do that?"

Sharon gave him A Look, and Steve was sure that even Natasha recoiled at it. And anyone who could strike the fear of god into Natasha that way deserved a whole hell of a lot more respect than she was currently getting. Especially when Sharon's first thought was that Brock had touched Steve inappropriately.

"He didn't," Steve sheepishly spoke up, still holding himself and standing closer to Bucky.

Brock gestured towards Steve and exclaimed, "See?!"

Rolling her eyes, Sharon sighed, "Well, did you apologize?"

Brock laughed at that and Sharon looked away. Her gaze landing on Tibby hiding in Bucky's broad shoulder while she clung tightly to his neck. Bucky rubbed at Tibby's back and Sharon crossed the small space to Bucky and gently placed her hand on Tibby's back.

"Hey, Miss Tabitha," Sharon started softly, "You know you nearly gave me a heart attack. Why'd you run off?"

"I lost you," Tibby defended herself, busying herself with pinching at Bucky's gray t-shirt.

"I was going to the bathroom," Sharon clarified, taking Tibby's hand in hers, "How about, we stop by to see your Mama and the goats?"

"It's okay," Bucky reassured Sharon. Smiling, he suggested, "Go have fun. I've got it."

Sharon glanced at Steve and worried her lower lip as she thought, "You sure?"

"Yeah," Bucky confirmed.

With Sharon still unsure, Steve told her, "It's okay. We've got it."

Bucky smiled over at Steve hearing that and adjusted his grasp on Tibby. Blushing, Steve averted his gaze to his feet and attempted to keep his grin reigned in. Even though he really couldn't do anything to stop it from growing. Until...

"C'mon, Bucky just wants to play house," Brock sneered, tugging on Sharon's arm.

Steve snapped his gaze up to Brock and glared at him. Glad to see that Bucky's eyes were also narrowed on the obnoxious brunet.

Dropping her hand from Tibby, Sharon allowed Brock to tug her away. Pausing though, Sharon turned back to look at Natasha and offered, "You wanna join?"

For a moment, Natasha just stood there, ramrod straight. Which was the only thing straight about Natasha. Steve quirked a brow at his best friend, genuinely surprised that Natasha wasn't racing the short distance to stand beside Sharon.

"Ya know," Sharon shrugged and playfully stage whispered, "Give the lovebirds some alone time."

"Yeah," Brock agreed. Mocking, "Give mommy and daddy some alone time."

Steve gritted his teeth and that was clearly the right thing to snap Natasha out of her shock because she crossed the space. Slapping Brock upside the back of his head before falling into step beside Sharon. As they started walking away, Natasha glanced over her shoulder at Steve and exaggerated an excited look.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now