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Dressed and ready to go, Steve followed Natasha out of the room. Keeping his gaze on the lilac stop wasting oxygen tee that Natasha had tucked into her high-waisted jean shorts. Over the short dividing wall that separated the living room from the hallway to find the Barnes sisters lounging about. Becca and Tibby on the lime-green sofa. Mandy in the deep purple velvet chase. The burnt orange armchair left unoccupied.

"Nattie!" Tibby greeted, hopping up from her seat and knocking the game controller on the floor. Bending over, Tibby picked up and asked, "Do you and Steve want to play?"

"No," Natasha answered for both as she led the way towards the kitchen. Reaching the kitchen, Natasha didn't stop until she reached the fridge where she promptly opened it and pulled out two waters, passing one to Steve. As she opened hers, she called out, "Where is everyone?"

"Mom's in the studio," Becca replied, glancing over the back of the sofa to look into the kitchen.

Skipping into the kitchen, Tibby declared, "The boys are thinking about going to the lake!"

"The lake?" Natasha asked, quirking a brow as she took a drink of her water.

"You're welcome to join," Mandy informed, glancing away from her phone and into the kitchen, "If you want."

Natasha glanced over at Steve while Tibby excitedly chanted, "Please! Please! Please!"

Quirking a brow, Natasha silently questioned Steve. She understood that sometimes, Steve didn't feel comfortable with doing certain things. Going swimming with a bunch of people that he didn't know, was high on the list of, "not gonna happen." Which, Natasha could understand, every time. But Natasha made sure to always leave it up to Steve, even when she already knew the answer.

Chewing on his lower lip, Steve tried not to notice the way that the seven-year-old was happily dancing around the kitchen in anticipation of their answer. Of Steve's answer. Steve didn't have the heart to decline the offer though.

Luckily for him, Natasha did.

Natasha twisted the cap back on her bottled water and breezily told her cousins, "Maybe next time."

Steve let out a sigh of relief and gave Natasha a thankful look. In silent reply, Natasha winked. Letting him know that she always had her Stevie's back. Although, the way Tibby sagged made Steve seriously debate whether he should reconsider his decision.

Before Steve could give in however, an array of male voices filtered in from the mudroom as the group of teen boys entered from the garage. Teasing and laughter surrounded them and instantly gained the attention of the house.

"Hey!" Sam greeted Natasha and Steve with a large toothy grin that was so contagious that it even made Natasha smile. Not a smirk either. A genuine smile. With teeth. Which was in complete contrast of being a cold-hearted bitch who leaves before she's left who might just sacrifice you to Satan for a pack of cigarettes.

"My, oh my," Brock started, leaning on the island close to Natasha and Steve. A shit-eating grin on his smug face as he complimented, "Don't you two look pretty today."

Steve's jaw clenched and Natasha mimicked Brock's stance and expression, "And don't you look like an arrogant jackass. Again."

The smirk fell from Brock's face as he narrowed his eyes at Natasha and sneered, "I'm trying to compliment you." He let his gaze wander to Steve as he amended, "Both of you."

"Oh, wow, I had no idea," Natasha mocked, feigning innocence.

As though Sam could sense the tension in the room, he decided to cut in and offered, "We're going to the lake. Supposed to be real hot today, might be nice."

"Don't vampires explode in sunlight?" Brock teased, not backing down from challenging Natasha.

"Don't mind him," Clint reassured, clapping his hand harshly on Brock's back and joked, "He thinks he's funny."

Natasha directed her attention to Clint and deadpanned, "Hilarious. A true comedian. A voice of our generation."

Bucky, who had joined later, snickered from the mudroom doorway. Earning a glare from Brock and a smirk from Steve, Bucky blushed and dropped his gaze to the floor. But Steve could still see the way Bucky bit back his own grin, only making Steve's own smile grow.

"But seriously, you're both more than welcome to join us," Sam encouraged as he placed the large cooler on the island, between Natasha and Brock and started to load it up with bottles of water and soda cans.

"Thanks, but," Natasha shrugged and narrowed her eyes at Brock before repeating the words she gave Tibby, "Maybe next time."

Even though Natasha didn't say it, it was clear what she meant. Maybe when Brock wasn't there. Which Steve was more than grateful for. Not that it was a promise that they'd truly go next time. But at least it made one thing clear: they sure as hell weren't going to go with Brock being there.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now