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With the pair being on a mountain in the middle of nowhere, Steve and Natasha decided to make the most of it. Sitting outside with the goats, Steve on the deck with his feet on the step and Natasha on the grass in front of him. Natasha smoking a cigarette while painting Steve's toenails and Steve sketching the goats.

"Ya know, Stevie," Natasha blew the puff of smoke out the corner of her mouth. Examining her work, she purposely tickled Steve's foot and complimented, "You'd be able to make a decent living off selling pics of your feet."

"Thanks?" Steve questioned, chuckling. Nearly kicking Natasha in the face as she lightly ran her finger along the bottom of Steve's foot. Steve laughed, "Stop! I'm trying to be productive!"

Even though Natasha's sunglasses were dark and shielded her eyes, Steve could feel that she was rolling her eyes. Taking another drag from her cigarette, she moved on to paint the rest of Steve's toenails. These were some of Steve's favorite moments. Calm, easy days where they could just be.

"You're not painting ashes onto my toes, right?" Steve teased, lifting his sketchbook to smirk down at Natasha as she sat on the grass with Steve's foot in her lap and cigarette between her plump maroon lips.

The crooked grin stayed on Steve's face and took a good look of his feet. Looking at the bottle, Steve would've never assumed that the jungle green shade would've worked with his pale skin tone. Looking at it on his feet, however, he couldn't help but think that it was a good choice.

Curiously, Steve asked, "What's this one called?"

"Um," Natasha started, stubbing out the cigarette on the ground beside her, and picked up the bottle. Looking at the label at the bottom, Natasha's tongue poked out the side of her mouth before she stated, "'I'm On a Sushi Roll.'"

"Hmm," Steve hummed and moved his sketchbook back to its previous position. Pushing his sunglasses up his nose, Steve turned to look at Goat Steve.

Smiling at the way that Goat Steve was jovially jumping around on the specifically built goat jungle gym. Adding more details. The grass that stuck to his hoofs. The way his golden fur was ruffled. The way Goat Steve just seemed so happy. It almost eased the knot in his gut from missing out on being at home with Nana Fury's pregnant cat. Almost. Sure, Steve knew that the cat -- and kittens -- would still be there when Steve got back, but he still was missing out on --

"Wow," a deep voice mused from behind Steve, startling the blond and causing his dominant left hand to harshly jerk the pencil along the paper, effectively ruining the sketch.

Also startling Natasha and causing her hand to jerk and her painting Steve's toe, not just the nail. Her face puckering angrily as she grumped, "What the fuck, Buck?!"

Steve turned, looking behind himself to find Bucky. Bucky was looking down at the sketch in Steve's lap and Steve could see that Bucky was on the brink of another apology. Not wanting another one though, Steve quickly changed the subject by asking, "What are you doing here?"

Bucky's brows arched as though he hadn't expected that. Steve's cheeks started to heat then and he averted his gaze bashfully as he amended, "I mean, everyone else was going swimming."

"Oh," Bucky confirmed. Steve peeked a glance up at him and was relieved to find no ill-will. Bucky gestured back towards the house and clarified, "I was busy getting a jump on some class reading."

"You know it's summer, right?" Natasha scoffed, wiping away her mistake, but leaving behind dyed skin. Looking up at her cousin, she joked, "You're supposed to be having fun. If you even know how to do that."

Steve pressed his lips together to keep himself from laughing. Turning his gaze back to his sketchbook, he flipped his pencil around and carefully started to erase the dark, accidental mark. Attempting to not erase anything that was intentional, but not necessarily succeeding.

"Hey," Bucky chuckled and defended himself, "Learning is fun!"

Natasha pulled her sunglasses down and gave her cousin a pointed look. Catching Steve's gaze, they exchanged a look before pushing her glasses back up on the bridge of her nose. A smirk stayed on her face as she finished up painting Steve's toes.

Once done, Natasha slumped. She had already painted all of her nails but still wanted to keep going. Surprisingly enough, it was one of the few things that kept Natasha occupied. Which was typically a difficult task to succeed with.

Then, a thought popped into her head and she perked. Moving over to sit on the ground to Steve's right, she flashed a large toothy grin up at Bucky and offered, "Hey, ya busy?"

"What do you have in mind?" Bucky asked, moving closer to the steps.

Natasha held up a base coat bottle and wiggled it a little while cheekily suggesting, "Have you ever had a pedicure?"

"Um," Bucky started. Steve turned to look up at the handsome brunet to watch him internally debate. Bucky's eyes drifted over to Steve, causing Steve to immediately direct his attention back to his sketchbook.

After a moment, Bucky sat down on the deck beside Steve, placing his bare feet on the step, just like Steve. Which pleasantly surprised Steve. Steve didn't know a lot of guys who were comfortable getting pampered in such a, "feminine," way. Typically the guys that Steve knew would have scoffed. They also would've given Steve a difficult time. But when didn't Steve have a difficult time?

Bucky was looking down at the bottles that Natasha had beside her. The jungle green one that she painted Steve's nails with and the vibrant, shimmery magenta that Natasha used on her own nails. Examining their nails, Bucky asked, "What other colors do you have?"

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now