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Steve had every intention of following Bucky over to the swimming hole. However, he found himself suddenly unable to move. It could've been because of all the commotion coming from the Barnes kids and their friends as they splashed or dunked each other. Or it could've been because Natasha was sitting on a towel off to the side, lathering sunblock onto her pale skin.

But Steve was almost certain that he found his legs not working because Bucky had removed his tee as he approached the water. Nearly knocking Steve on his ass and causing his breath to hitch in his throat.

Sure, it wasn't the first time that Steve had seen Bucky's wiry frame without his shirt, but it felt different now. Steve's face flushed and he averted his gaze downward to look at his feet. Hoping to catch his breath. Hoping to settle his racing heart and his thundering pulse that was clouding his mind.

Hearing a splash, Steve peeked up. Bucky's head popped up from under the water and he pushed his damp hair off his handsome face. Steve pressed his lips together to fight the grin that wanted to desperately take over his face.

Distracted by watching Bucky, Steve wasn't paying very close attention to his surroundings. Which, he probably should've been. Especially with someone like Brock around. Unfortunately, hindsight had never been Steve's strong suit.

Before Steve could even blink, he was being lifted into the air and coming face-to-face with Brock. Steve's dysphoria the least of his worries as Brock maniacally laughed and quickly headed for the swimming hole. One of Brock's muscular arms supporting the back of his head while his other one was locked beneath Steve's knobbly knees.

"Brock," Steve warned, shifting in the larger boy's grasp, "Put me down!"

"Oh, sure," Brock chuckled, "I'll put you down, sweetheart."

Steve's movements stilled as his blood ran cold in his veins. If Steve thought that Brock calling him, "Stevie," was bad, he was wrong. Dead wrong. He tasted bile at the pet name. He tasted even more when Brock turned his gaze to Steve and winked at him.

Stomach churning, Steve just stared at Brock. Unable to do anything but stare at Brock. Until he hit the water. The cool water sending a shock to his system. Almost as though he was jerking awake. Pushing up, Steve popped up from beneath the water.

Steve pushed his floppy blond hair from his face and went to mutter, "Fucking asshole," but the words didn't get a chance to leave his mouth. Instead, he heard the words spoken by Natasha. Loudly, he might add.

Wiping the refreshing water from his face, Steve squinted up and watched as Natasha swatted at Brock. Steve let the smirk tug at the corner of his lips. He didn't like when others fought his battles, but heaven help the sorry bastard that tried to mess with him while Natasha was around.

Scrubbing at his face, he realized that his sunglasses had fallen off his face in the altercation. Turning his attention from the scene on dry land, Steve took in a deep breath and went back under the water. Finding the water surprisingly clear, Steve spotted his sunglasses easily at the stone bottom.

Finally grabbing the sunglasses, Steve turned and pushed himself back up to the surface. Taking in a deep breath and swimming over to the shallow part where Tibby was. His breathing still ragged as he could finally touch the bottom and walked the rest of the way.

Passing Tibby, Steve reached out and lazily mussed her damp, dark curls. Then, realizing what he had done, Steve paused. It was an instinct for him to do that with Eddie. Steve wasn't even thinking about it. Just did it. He worried his lower lip with his teeth as he glanced over his shoulder to Tibby. Letting out a sigh of relief when she didn't seem bothered by it, Steve continued his way out of the pool.

With his gray tee now heavy from the water, Steve rolled his eyes and sighed in his annoyance. Wringing out his tee the best that he could without removing it, Steve dropped down onto the towel that Natasha had set up for them. Lying on his back, Steve closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Simply letting the sun beat down on him and warm his skin while Natasha beat down on Brock. Absentmindedly wiping his sunglasses on the towel beside him and trying to relax.

Well, Steve mentally berated himself, that's what you get for gawking. But even he couldn't blame himself. It was summer, after all. He was positive that anyone would get distracted at the sight of Bucky. And even he couldn't blame himself for letting his guard down.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now