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In the garage, Natasha shoved Steve towards the passenger seat and climbed into the back before Steve could argue. Not that he would. Internally, he thrilled at the prospect of sitting in the front seat of the white 2017 VW Jetta beside Bucky. Sure, it wasn't going to be as cozy as Brock's Bronco's bench seats, but this would do just fine.

As Bucky started backing out of the garage, Steve wondered if he would take his hand. His hand practically itched for the contact. Already accustomed to Bucky's tender gestures and not willing to go without them. Steve wasn't often selfish, but when it came to Bucky, he wanted to be the center of his affection.

Not sure if Bucky would take his hand, Steve placed his arm in the middle console. Attempting to appear as nonchalant as possible, but finding it difficult to not fidget with his clothes or his body in general. Tapping his foot too fast for the pop beat streaming through the speakers. Tugging at his shorts. Pushing his floppy blond hair away from his face.

They weren't even out of the driveway yet, and Steve was losing his mind. Craving Bucky's touch and worrying that he wouldn't get even a hand hold. How the hell was Steve supposed to last the rest of his --

Tenderly, Bucky squeezed Steve's hand. Such a simple touch and Steve eased in his seat while they drove down the road. Letting all the anxiousness seep from his frame as Bucky laced their fingers together.

Steve had a strong urge to turn back to see if Natasha was seeing this. However, he refrained. Of course, Natasha was seeing this. Natasha saw everything.

Another squeeze to his hand, Steve glanced over at Bucky. That slow grin that Steve adored stretched across Bucky's face, causing Steve's heart to stutter. There wasn't anywhere that Steve wanted to be in that moment. So, he tried to cherish it as much as he could.

Maybe that was why the car ride went by quicker than Steve expected. The trip down the mountain seeming to be gone in the blink of an eye, as well as the quick trip through the town. Soon enough, Bucky was pulling into the fairgrounds.

Stopped in line behind two other cars, Steve's anxiety started to build. Wondering if the person at the ticket booth would be open minded. It was always a tossup when it came to strangers and Steve feared that they wouldn't be. Sure, Steve thought that he passed. But beyond that, Steve was a boy and Bucky was holding his hand.

Reaching up from the backseat, Natasha gave Steve's bicep a reassuring squeeze. Gaining Bucky's attention in the process, he looked over at Steve with his brows arched in silent question. Steve mutely shook his head and gestured for Bucky to move up in the line.

"Ya gonna win me a prize, Stevie?" Natasha teased, keeping her hand on Steve's bicep and resting her chin on the passenger seat.

"Please," Steve scoffed, his voice shaky. Clearing his throat, he continued, "If it pisses off Brock, of course."

Bucky grinned at that and squeezed his hand while he pulled up to the window. Before Bucky could greet the person, a cheery high-pitched voice greeted, "Jimmy!"

Steve exchanged a glance with Natasha as they both mouthed, "Jimmy?"

"Hey, Amanda," Bucky blushed. Squeezing Steve's hand, Bucky asked the woman, "Did my mom leave a parking pass for us?"

"She sure did, sweetie," Amanda answered and reached under her counter to grab the parking pass. As she searched for it, she babbled, "You just missed Sharon, by the way. Did you know that she's still dating that doorknob?"

Natasha perked at that and she ducked her head to get a look of the woman in the booth. Weakly slapping Bucky's arm with the back of her fingers, she arched her brows in silent question. Bucky rolled his eyes and clarified, "Sharon's mom."

"Oh," Natasha smirked. Teasing, she nudged Bucky and whispered, "Ya gonna introduce me to my future mother-in-law, or nah?"

"-- I mean, how many times can the girl cry herself to sleep before -- Oh! Here they are!" Amanda stood upright again and passed over a large bright blue ticket that stated: VIP Parking.

"Thanks," Bucky smiled and placed the pass in the corner of the windshield.

"Sure thing, honey," Amanda waved off and leaned down to wave at Natasha and Steve. Both teens waved back in reply and Amanda playfully demanded, "Y'all have fun now, ya hear?"

Bucky's blush darkened and he sheepishly explained, "You don't have to worry about that."

At that, Amanda happily patted the top of the car, signaling that Bucky was free to enter the fairground. So, Bucky cautiously drove forward and another vehicle took his place. Steve was surprised to find that most of the parking area was filled up.

Giving Steve's hand a squeeze, Bucky let go of Steve's hand and used both hands to maneuver the Jetta to a side parking lot that had a sign declaring: VIP Parking. Pulling into the area, Bucky parked next to Brock's Bronco. Making Steve's stomach churn just a little and causing him to hesitate from climbing out of the car just yet.

It had been a couple of days since Steve had seen Brock, but his words still plagued his mind. Of course, it wasn't something unusual to Steve. Brock hadn't been the only one to implore Steve's insecurities and imply that no matter what Steve did he would always be --

The back passenger door harshly closed, snapping Steve out of his thoughts and causing him to involuntarily jerk at the sudden sound. Bucky cautiously took Steve's hand in his and softly questioned, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Steve quickly reassured. Noticing Bucky's furrowed brows, Steve leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "I'm fine." For a moment, it looked as though Bucky would dig a little deeper. Steve didn't give him a chance though as he excitedly encouraged, "Let's go!"

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now