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By the time that Monday rolled around, Steve debated inviting himself to the monster movie double feature. Sure, him and Bucky had been getting along fairly well. But Sarah had raised Steve to be polite and to never invite himself, ever. And since Bucky hadn't invited him...

The thing was though, it was Monday. And Mondays were when Steve took his T. So, he climbed out of bed. Still cautious in not waking Natasha, even though Steve knew that she could probably sleep through a tornado. Steve still slid out from under the comforter and tiptoed over to the bathroom.

Going through the steps on autopilot as his half-asleep brain prepared for the injection and did the injection. His thigh was sore and Steve internally debated whether he should stay awake. After all, he could always go back to bed. It was summer. It was a little over five in the morning. It wouldn't be completely unheard of if Steve had just climbed back into bed.

But it was Monday. It was Monday and there was a double feature of classics.

Deciding that he could simply stay in the kitchen if Bucky didn't want him hanging around, Steve grabbed the novel that he should've had finished by now, and quietly left the bedroom. Standing in the hallway, he found Bucky already on the couch with his bowl of cereal in his hand and two coffee mugs on the table in front of him.

A wave of appreciation shot through him as he sat his novel on the shelf with the vases and walked around the dividing wall to the living room. Not only had Bucky made him coffee, he had also paused the TV. Steve's throat was dry and tight, and his chest clenched at the gesture.

"Morning?" Bucky softly greeted, looking up at Steve with an apprehensive smile and quirk of his brow.

Bucky was wearing his dark frame glasses and Steve couldn't help but swoon as he replied, "Morning." Running his hand through his hair, Steve glanced at the TV, reminded that Bucky had it paused for him, Steve hurried to the kitchen and said, "Just gimme a minute."

"Take your time," Bucky said around a mouthful of cereal. Steve decided on Fruit Loops and as he quickly poured some into the mint green ceramic bowl with tiny pink flowers and gold interior that Bucky left out for him, Bucky reassured, "Don't rush on my account."

Of course, Steve didn't pay him any attention as he quickly crossed the kitchen to the fridge to pour the milk in with the cereal. Walking fast while attempting to still seem nonchalant, Steve left the kitchen and walked around the sofa to take a seat on the middle cushion, just like last week. And just like last week, Bucky shifted, giving Steve space and teasingly quirked a brow down at Steve when he tried to get comfortable.

Steve bit his lower lip and confirmed, "I'm good now."

Bucky had the remote in hand and looked over at Steve, silently checking if it was okay to start the movie. Around a mouthful of Fruit Loops, Steve wiped his chin with the back of his hand and eagerly nodded for Bucky to continue. Nodding himself, Bucky played the movie and set the remote down on the arm of the couch.

Turning his attention to the TV, Steve caught sight of Bucky's own bowl. Realizing that they were both eating Fruit Loops. Steve smiled down at his own bowl, biting at his lower lip to keep the grin from growing too wide.

Of course, as soon as the blood curdling scream came from the movie, Steve's eyes immediately turned upward and waited for something to come onto the black screen. Instead, there was just screaming. Bucky instantly lowered the volume and gave Steve an apologetic look.

As more noises came, Steve's interest was officially peeked. Sinister laughing. Creaking doors. Rattling of chains. Even ghostly moaning. Then, a man's head floated onto the screen. A distressed gentleman who simply started, "The ghosts are moving tonight. Restless, hungry. May I introduce myself?"

Steve's brows arched high on his forehead and softly mused, "Now that's one hell of a way to start a movie."

Quietly, Bucky agreed, "That's why it's a classic."

"Oh, is it?" Steve conversationally questioned. Silently, Bucky nodded his confirmation and Steve as each character was introduced by an ominous man with slicked hair and a sharp mustache. Steve leaned over and asked, "What's up with that guy?"

"What guy?" Bucky replied just as softly as Steve had spoken.

"The spooky dude," Steve clarified. With his gaze still on the TV, Steve caught Bucky moving in his periphery and glanced up at him. There was an incredulous look on the brunet's face and Steve scoffed, "What?"

"You don't know who Vincent Price is?" Bucky turned to face Steve as he continued, "Is that what you're telling me?"

Steve's brows arched and he chuckled, "Sure."

"I --" Bucky cut himself off, trying to make sense of it and he immediately paused the movie. Setting his cereal on the coffee table in front of them, Bucky brought his leg up and shifted in his spot, so he was fully facing Steve. Blinking away his incredulousness, Bucky clearly stated, "Vincent Price is the king of horror. A legend. Basically, if you went to see a movie with him in it, you knew that it would be good."

"Okay," Steve nodded, trying not to laugh. "Got it, Price is a king --"

"No, no," Bucky corrected, "The king. The."

"The king," Steve repeated with a small chuckle. Glancing up at the TV, Steve asked, "So, if this is a ghost story, why's it being played on Monster Monday?"

"Because it's a ghost," Bucky answered with furrowed brows as he studied Steve.

"Yeah, but," Steve rolled his eyes and repeated, "Why's it being played on Monster Monday?"

Silently, Bucky continued studying Steve. Cocking his head to the side, Bucky asked, "What do you consider a ghost?"

As Steve thought, his brows furrowed. What did Steve consider a ghost? A spirit, obviously. But what category did that fall into? Were ghosts monsters? Were they the same? Ghosts weren't what Steve thought of when he thought of monsters. When Steve thought of monsters, he thought of mummies and swamp things, not dead people.

With Bucky still watching him, Steve ignored the small grin on Bucky's face and finally shrugged, "'Dunno. Never thought about it before."

Nodding, Bucky glanced down at his own lap before shifting again in his seat and grabbing his forgotten bowl of cereal. He reached for the remote and said, "Let's just say it's station's liberty. Best to just enjoy the movies than question why they're showing 'em."

Steve just fondly watched him for a moment, wanting to remember this. Remember the quiet boy who loved movies and ate soggy cereal. Remember the way that just a glance from those pretty blues could knot up Steve's stomach somethin' fierce. Remember the easy grin that slowly tugged at his lips when he caught Steve watching him. Remember the way that Steve didn't even mind being caught.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now