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"Uh," Natasha arched her brows. Using the hand holding the cigarette, she gestured over to where Bucky had been walking and questioned, "'The fuck is going on between you two?"

"Noth --"

"Steven Grant," Natasha interrupted, "Are you seriously going to sit there --"

"I'm standing --"

"And lie to my face?" Natasha continued, almost as though Steve hadn't interrupted at all. Taking another drag off her cigarette, Natasha said, "Ya know, I think you'd be cute together."

Steve harshly bit his bottom lip and kept his gaze down as he attempted to fold into himself. Really, to try to simply disappear. Steve didn't mind talking about boys with Natasha. But he did, very much, mind talking about boys when they were surrounded by those who were close to that boy, not to mention that the boy himself was in close proximity.

"Oh my gosh!" Natasha enthusiastically started. Nearly falling off the tailgate as she grasped onto Steve's arm to pull him in and happily, excitedly squeal, "If you got married --"

Steve felt the skin prickle at his neck. Almost as though everyone was looking at him now. He crowded closer to Natasha and attempted to discreetly shush her. But Natasha was completely in her own little world as she continued, "We would actually be related! Holy fuck, Stevie, this needs to --"

"Shh --"

"-- Happen!" Natasha hopped off the tailgate and stumbled into Steve, nearly knocking him over. Luckily, Natasha had a strong grip on Steve's frame and she was very close to actually jumping for joy.

And although Steve wanted nothing more than for his best friend to be giddy, he also knew that he needed to stop her before she got too ahead of herself. After all, Steve wasn't even sure if Bucky had feelings for him. Really though, Steve didn't want to get his own hopes up.

"Nat--" Steve quietly started. When that didn't do anything, he increased his volume, "Natash--"

"Stevie, this would almost be as good as being adopted by your --"

"Natasha!" Steve demanded, instantly causing her to finally pause.

While also gaining the attention of Brock who now joined them at the back of the Bronco. Brock quirked a brow, intrigued. As a slow smirk tugged at his lips, Steve aggressively kept his mouth closed, lips and jaw clenched tight. Practically trying to grind his own teeth to a pulp when Brock teased Steve, "Damn Stevie, tell her who's in charge."

"Please," Natasha scoffed and although her sunglasses hid her eyes, Steve could tell that she was rolling her eyes. Dropping her hands from Steve's arms, Natasha aggressively poked Brock's chest as she coolly reminded, "And I told you, no one calls him, 'Stevie,' but me."

Brock smirked and took Natasha's hand as her finger pressed into his muscular chest. Leaning in, Brock suggestively mocked, "You're cute when you're angry."

Meeting his challenge by standing on her toes, Natasha evenly stated, "Trust me, you wouldn't think that if you saw me actually angry."

A little shocked, Brock just stood there. Natasha yanked her hand away from Brock. For a moment, Steve was sure that Natasha was going to slap Brock. He held his breath for a moment as he mentally prepared himself. Even though Steve wasn't the one who was about to get slapped, he could still feel the secondhand sting that was sure to happen. Constantly thankful that he had never crossed Natasha in his life.

However, instead of slapping Brock, Natasha grabbed Steve's hand. Leading Steve around to the passenger side of the Bronco and away from Brock. As they moved, Steve could feel someone watching him and glanced over his shoulder to find Brock's gaze sizing him up. Snapping his head forward again, Steve directed his own gaze to Natasha's strong shoulders. Trying to focus on her confidence as he repressed the shudder that wanted to ripple down his spine.

Once they reached the open door, Natasha turned to face Steve. Her expression keeping the same blank, coolness to it, until she saw something in Steve's own expression. Her brows instantly furrowed and she leaned in close to ask, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Steve quickly answered.

"Don't lie," Natasha replied, squeezing Steve's hand.

"I'm okay," Steve reassured and lowered his voice as he half-teased, "I was sure that you were going to slap him."

"Bruh, you have no idea just how close I was to doing just that," Natasha agreed, giggling.

Steve chuckled then too, giving her hand a tender squeeze before dropping it. Steve glanced inside of the vehicle. Noting that the empty pop bottles had been cleared out entirely and a back bench seat was now there when it hadn't been when Bucky picked them up.

"Okay!" Sam boomed, clapping his hands, "Let's get this show on the road!"

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now