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Entering the fair, Bucky led the way over to the ticket booth. Steve kept his hands in his pockets and Natasha wrapped her arm around his shoulders. Pulling him close while they waited in the ticket line. Taking the spot beside Bucky, Steve looked up at the handsome brunet and was relieved when Bucky smiled down at him. Even happier when Bucky winked down at him.

Biting back his own grin, Steve averted his gaze and moved up in the line when it was time to. Wondering if Bucky would sling his arm around his shoulders if Natasha wasn't already laying her claim. Steve hoped that he would.

Moving up to the ticket booth window, Steve spotted a tall, beefy redhead who greeted Bucky, "Barnes!"

"Carter!" Bucky replied with a large smile. Leaning against the counter, Bucky peered inside the booth and questioned, "I thought you had plans."

"Mom asked me to help out," the older Carter son answered with a shrug. Reaching over, he grabbed an envelope marked with Barnes on it and opened it to remove three bright blue wristbands. Bucky extended his wrist and the older boy secured the wristband on him while continuing, "I mean, you know how it is.

"When Mom asks for something, you do it," the redhead paused and gestured for Steve to move forward. So, he moved out from under Natasha's arm and extended his arm the way that Bucky did. As the older boy secured the bright blue wristband, he continued, "I mean, she did give birth to us."

"Is Evan working too?" Bucky asked conversationally, while holding his hand out to Steve once the redhead was done. Steve's heart thrilled and he eagerly took Bucky's hand, fully content as Bucky laced their fingers together.

"Yeah, he's at the petting zoo with --" the boy paused, looking at Natasha.

Uh oh, Steve couldn't help but think. Usually when boys looked at Natasha, it was never good. Mainly, it never ended well for them. Steve hoped that nothing would happen. All he wanted was a nice, quiet day at the fair without any drama.

"So, you're Natasha," the boy smirked. Double uh oh.

"I am," Natasha took her extended arm back and questioned, "And who might you be?"

"Dylan," the redhead answered while Bucky clarified, "The eldest Carter."

"Eldest?" Dylan, Natasha, and Steve all looked over at Bucky.

Bucky held his left hand up in mock surrender while he teased, "Okay, let's not all gang up on the nerd."

Steve playfully rolled his eyes and gave Bucky's hand a squeeze. Natasha turned her attention back to Dylan and extended her arm into the booth. As Dylan secured the bright blue wristband around her slender wrist, Natasha distastefully questioned, "So, Brock's mentioned me."

"No," Dylan confirmed with a knowing smirk, "Not that doorknob."

Natasha quirked her brow at that. Pulling her wrist back, she smirked and pointed at Dylan, "I like you."

Dylan simply chuckled at that, and Steve tugged at Natasha's arm to move her out of the way so the next group of people could get their tickets and wristbands. As they started walking further into the County Fair, Natasha grabbed onto Steve's arm and giddily whispered, "She talks about me."

Silently, Steve held up the hand that wasn't holding Bucky's and excitedly crossed his fingers. Then, Steve tugged at Bucky's hand, gaining his attention. Bucky quirked a brow and Steve held up his other hand to show that his fingers were crossed.

Bucky's brows furrowed and Steve stood on his tiptoes to quietly inform, "Good luck for Natasha's future marriage to Sharon."

That slow grin stretched across his handsome face and Bucky raised his left hand to cross his fingers, "I want nothing but happiness for my favorite cousin."

"I'm only your favorite cousin because I brought my hot best friend along for the summer," Natasha absently accused.

Steve scoffed, scandalized. He looked over at his best friend to find her gazing at the game booths. All the while, Bucky shrugged and agreed, "You're not wrong."

At that, Steve looked up at Bucky. Finding comfort that he wasn't the only one blushing as Bucky's cheeks flamed a deep red. Steve's brows were arched high on his forehead and he kept trying to make sense of what happened as a smile fought to cross his face. Bucky, the hottest guy that Steve had ever seen, thought that he was hot?

It just seemed too good to be true.

Bucky worried his lower lip with his teeth as he softly asked, "Too much?"

Mutely, Steve shook his head and reassured, "Nope." His heart racing, Steve faced forward again, but gave Bucky's hand another squeeze. Letting that talk for him since he couldn't clear the compliment from his mind. Only relaxing once Bucky replied with a squeeze of his own.

With his hand in Bucky's, Steve floated along beside him. Barely aware that there were even other people around as they continued further into the fairgrounds. Not even caring where they were going. Just glad that he was going there with --


Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now