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Driving down the mountain, Steve wondered if Brock was purposely driving like a jackass. When there was a bump, Steve would jostle and would inevitably fall into Bucky. It was around the fifth time when Steve first thought that Brock was intentionally hitting every bump in the road, but Steve didn't say anything. Especially since Bucky seemed peeved enough for both of them.

Bump. Steve fell into Bucky, despite attempting to stop himself by grabbing onto the back of the bench seat in front of him. Nothing worked though and Bucky complained, "Christ, who gave you a license?"

"Just trying to help ya out, buddy," Brock mockingly answered. Briefly smirking back at Bucky before facing forward and jerking the vehicle, causing Steve to fall into Bucky once again.

The force of the jerk being so strong that Natasha pressed into Steve's side and loudly sneered, "Stop being such a fucker!"

Tibby gasped from the front middle seat and turned her head to look back at Natasha, but couldn't see over the back of the bench seat. Steve gave Natasha the pointed look that he assumed Tibby wanted to give her though. Knowing that there were sensitive ears around and that Natasha should hold her tongue. For what it was worth though, Natasha did look sorry for letting the swear slip.

Harshly, Brock made a sharp turn, causing Steve to fall into Bucky while Brock laughed. The sound making Steve want to vomit at the natural bitterness in the tone. It sent an awful chill down his spine. Completely taking over all his thoughts. And when Steve tried to push himself away from Bucky, only to fall back into the brunet, Steve could feel tears building in his eyes.

Bucky removed his arm from the back of the seat and kindly helped Steve sit in his space. As he spoke, Bucky demanded, "Okay, seriously, knock it off."

Regaining her own balance, Natasha leaned forward and harshly smacked the back of Brock's head. Not hitting him only once, however. Swatting at Brock so much that Natasha nearly climbed over the seat to continue her barrage.

Driving down the small path, Brock fended himself and asked, "What the hell is that for?"

"For being an ass," Natasha informed, sitting back in her spot in a huff. She tucked her gray hair behind her ear and let out an annoyed sigh when the strands fell back into her face.

As she crossed her arms along her chest, it was clear that she was physically refraining herself. Steve could tell that she wasn't just annoyed. She was pissed. And Steve knew that when she was pissed, nothing good ever came from it. After all, when she retaliated against Ivan, she had chopped off nearly all her hair and dyed it gray. Not to mention the nose ring she did for Ivan being an ass to Steve.

Then though, Steve watched as Sharon reached over to slap the back of Brock's head as well. Steve instantly glanced over at his fuming best friend and watched as the corner of her lips quirked at the action.

"What is this, Hit Brock Day?" Brock commented glancing over at his girlfriend with furrowed brows.

Steve looked down as he pressed his lips together to keep himself from chuckling. It didn't sound like such a bad day, if Steve was being honest. In fact, it would be Steve's favorite holiday if it was real.

Abruptly, the vehicle jerked to a stop. Causing Steve to lurch forward at the sudden movement. Bucky's reflexes were quick though as he grasped onto Steve's bicep, to keep him from hitting the back of the bench seat in front of them. If Steve hadn't been so disoriented from the bumpy ride, he was sure that he'd be conflicted over the action. But in that moment, his heart was racing from the possibility that he'd almost bashed his face into the seat.

For a moment, Steve just sat there, trying to calm his breathing. Inhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Hold. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Hold. Inhale. One, two, three, four...

Getting his wits back, Steve was aware that Natasha and Sam had climbed out of the Bronco through the driver side. Natasha stumbled and Sam joked, "See, told you that riding with you is disorienting."

"Or maybe she's just fallen for me," Brock teased while letting Natasha swat at him.

Steve was still in his seat and he watched as Natasha pushed away from Brock and snidely stated, "Not even in your dreams, you stupid, arrogant, son-of-a-bitch!"

...five, six, seven. Hold. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Hold.

"You okay?" Bucky quietly asked. Reminding Steve that Bucky was still there beside him.

With Bucky's hand still wrapped tenderly, protectively around Steve's bicep, on the portion that was covered by the sleeve of his gray shirt. Steve looked down at the large hand and it almost seemed like Bucky had forgotten that he was holding him too because he instantly dropped his hand from Steve's arm.

"Sorry," Bucky breathily apologized and bashfully looked away.

Then, Bucky climbed out of the Bronco and stood there by the open passenger door for a moment. Steve's heart fluttered when he realized -- hoped -- that Bucky was waiting for him.

Knowing that his face was fully red, Steve awkwardly climbed out of the Bronco. For a moment, Steve felt quite graceful as he had maneuvered himself successfully over the seat belt and out the open door. The feeling didn't last long though. As soon as his feet touched the ground, Steve stumbled and crashed directly into Bucky's wiry frame.

"It looks like Steve's fallen for you too, Buck!" Brock teased, loudly chuckling.

Bucky's hands were gripping Steve's biceps and Steve pushed himself away from Bucky's chest that he had fallen face first into. Thanks to Brock's mocking, Steve was aware that the back of his neck was most likely just as red as his face. Especially since Bucky kept his hands on Steve's arms, making sure that he wouldn't trip again.

"You okay?" Bucky softly asked. Silently, Steve nodded and Bucky carefully dropped his hands from Steve again. Steve expected Bucky to take a step back. When he didn't, Steve glanced up at him. Bucky's gaze dropped and he gestured in front of the Bronco as he suggested, "C'mon."

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now