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The lights were dim and out the back door, Steve noticed for the first time, that it was raining. The rain had always comforted Steve, and it caused him to ease. Just a little bit, at least.

The commotion from the kitchen was surprisingly the softest that it had been since the pair arrived to the house. Relieved when Steve discovered that it appeared to be just the Barnes. None of their friends in sight. For which, Steve was eternally grateful for because Steve knew that his anxiety most definitely wouldn't have been able to handle it.

Of course, then Steve felt immediately bad because Clint had been nothing but nice to the pair since he met them.

"Did you have a nice nap?" Tibby asked once she spotted Steve.

Steve's brows briefly furrowed and he looked over at Natasha. Natasha looked right back at Steve. Expectantly, even. As though Steve wasn't catching on as he quickly as he should've been. After another minute though, it became obvious to Steve. Obviously, it wasn't a coincidence that Mandy had assumed Steve was asleep and then Tibby asked how his nap was.

Blushing, Steve cleared his throat and rasped, "Yeah, it was fine. Thanks."

Tibby beamed up at Steve before finishing setting the table along with Mandy. Becca was at the stove, stirring something in a large pot. It was then that Steve got a whiff of the delicious smelling food. A soup or stew of some kind, Steve assumed. Standing beside her, Sam was flipping a grilled sandwich while trying to show off to his younger sister.

Both laughing, Sam glanced over his shoulder to find Steve and Natasha. With a large grin on his face, Sam cheerily declared, "I hope you're hungry."

Natasha crossed her arms and stood on her tip toes as she tried to peer between her cousins to see what was cooking. Brows furrowing, Natasha curiously asked, "What are you making?"

"Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches," Becca answered with a smile that showed off a dimple in her right cheek.

"That's okay, right?" Sam quickly asked, looking over at Steve while his expression took on one of concern. He looked up at the ceiling, as though he was in thought as he tried to remember something. After a moment, Sam returned his eyeline back to Steve and he questioned, "You can eat it, right? You're not allergic to any of it? We made sure to get all new oil and everything just to be on the safe side."

A small smile tugged at the corner of Steve's lips as he was reminded of just how few people took Steve's allergies into consideration. Clearing his throat again, Steve confirmed, "I can eat it."

"Whew," Sam theatrically pretended to wipe imaginary sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and a smile graced his face. Sending a wink to Steve, Sam went back to flipping sandwiches and whistling.

"It is wet today," Bucky exclaimed as he entered from the garage.

"That's what she said," Mandy joked, exchanging high fives from Sam as she grabbed some napkins.

Bucky good-naturedly sarcastically laughed while he removed his galoshes. Of course, that only earned more laughter from his siblings as he unzipped his drenched hooded sweatshirt. His tousled brown locks stuck to the back of his neck as he turned and walked into the laundry room.

As Bucky returned, rubbing his face and hair with a fluffy sky-blue towel, Natasha elbowed Steve. Gaining Steve's attention, Natasha leaned in close to quietly tease, "Drool much?"

Steve could feel the blood rush to his cheeks, but he didn't correct Natasha. Natasha knew him well enough to know when Steve was lying anyway, so Steve decided to stay quiet. Turning his gaze back to Bucky, he found that Bucky was already watching him.

Quickly, Bucky ducked his head and entered the kitchen. As he started crossing the room, Bucky glanced up at Steve from beneath his lashes. But made sure to drop his gaze once he saw that Steve was still watching him.

Butterflies started fluttering in Steve's stomach as he watched Bucky leave the room and head down the hallway to his bedroom. Steve bit at his lower lip and cast his gaze to his feet as he tried not to get too blushy with the fact that Bucky had been looking at him.

That was, of course, easier said than done. Even after Bucky returned to the kitchen and everyone took a seat at the table. And Steve wasn't sure if it was a conscious decision when Bucky took the seat across from him, but Steve sure hoped that it was.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now