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As the women joined the pair, sitting down in the large burnt orange armchair, Steve could feel his body tense. After all, Steve had assumed that this was a date. Wasn't it a date? It had to be, right? RIGHT?! Bucky did ask him after they kissed. That had to mean something, yeah?

Oh god, Steve couldn't help but wonder, this isn't a date, is it?

"Ooh, popcorn!" Darlene exclaimed, grabbing the large bowl of popcorn from the coffee table and tucked her muscular legs under herself.

Bucky turned the TV on and flipped to the correct channel. Setting the remote down, Bucky shifted in his seat. Moving just slightly away from Steve as the 1984 Wes Craven classic started playing. And Steve couldn't help but mourn the night that he had envisioned.

Especially the way that Bucky tensed beside him.

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Steve wondered if he should just go back to the guestroom. Not being that big of a classic horror fan, Steve had only agreed because of Bucky. He thought that they could spend some more time together. Mainly, clinging to Bucky's rambling of possibly cuddling.

What could've been, I suppose.

Steve's gaze dropped to his lap, where his hands were resting. Wishing that Bucky would reach over and take his hand. That he'd tenderly rub those soft circles into the back of his hand that he had done in the rare occasions that actually held hands. Now Steve wasn't sure Bucky would hold his hand.

"You know what," Winifred started.

Tearing his gaze away from his hands, Steve looked over at Aunt Winnie and Aunt D. Darlene shoving popcorn into her mouth tore her gaze from the TV and looked over at her wife.

"I'm pretty tired," Winifred declared. Giving Darlene a pointed look, Winifred silently portrayed something to Darlene. Raising her eyebrows high on her forehead, to try and get her point across to her wife who's own brows were furrowed. Winifred repeated, "I'm tired."

Darlene gestured towards the TV and weakly argued, "But... the movie..."

Winifred closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. The same way that Sarah did when she was trying not to lose her patience. Steve wondered if he should be looking at them at all. So, he turned his gaze back to the TV.

"You know, you're right," Darlene suddenly agreed. Placing the bowl of popcorn back on the artistic, unique shaped coffee table, and stood up. Fixing her neon pink shorts that popped against her dark skin, she added, "We own these anyway. I can watch them later."

Steve looked up at the women then and blushed when they both smiled at him. Winifred's usually hidden hoop piercing peeking out as she winked at Steve; causing his blush to spread down his neck. Darlene playfully swatted her wife and grabbed her hand, leading her around the short dividing wall.

On the way to their room, Darlene called out, "Remember to turn the TV off when you're done."

"I always do," Bucky replied.

"That's right," Darlene teased, "It's your mom that always forgets."

At that, Winifred playfully swatted Darlene's bum and pulled her wife into her body when she squealed. Both staying close as they slightly waddled into their bedroom. Steve couldn't help but smile as he thought of his own parents. He realized just how lucky he was to have good, loving, lasting relationships to look up to in his life.

"Sorry about them," Bucky quietly said, leaning over to speak into Steve's ear.

"It's okay," Steve reassured, turning his head to find Bucky's face right there.

Immediately, Steve's eyes landed on Bucky's naturally red lips. Almost like they were magnetic, Steve could practically feel the pull on his own lips. Bringing his gaze back to Bucky's, Steve didn't have to wonder if Bucky felt the same. Bucky's eyes were trained on Steve's own lips.

Heart racing, Steve made the first move. Just slightly leaning closer. Allowing Bucky to make the final decision and close the distance. Never wanting Bucky to feel like he had to close the space. Always wanting Bucky to enthusiastically choose to kiss him.

Thankfully, it happened to be the exact thing that Bucky chose to do. Closing the miniscule distance between them, Bucky tenderly pressed his lips to Steve's. Almost instantly, Steve couldn't help but melt into the kiss. Wondering if Steve would always feel like that when he was around Bucky. Hoping that he would.

Attempting to kiss the melancholy from the air around them, Steve brought his hand up to tangle his fingers in the soft brown tresses. Deepening the kiss, Bucky respectfully placed his hand on Steve's waist. Not moving it anywhere that Steve hadn't permitted; and causing Steve to melt even further.

Knowing that he was already in too deep, Steve tried to savor the moment for as long as possible. Feeling absolutely dizzy with Bucky's lips against his and wanting nothing more than to remember the way they felt. Just a bit chapped, but tasting sweet from the lemonade. Being ultimately, the best lips that Steve had ever had the privilege to kiss.

Pulling back to catch his breath, Steve kept his eyes closed and adored the way that Bucky rested his forehead against his. Steve breathlessly teased, "I thought we were supposed to be watching movies."

"I think I'd rather kiss you instead," Bucky rasped. Steve's knees grew weak at the husky tone because he was the reason behind it.

It was positively intoxicating and Steve didn't hesitate as he pressed his lips to Bucky's again. Wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of his summer drowning in Bucky's affection. Wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of his life drowning in Bucky's affection.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now