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"Mama!" Tibby squealed running into the house and crashed into Darlene's muscular legs.

Darlene smiled and picked Tibby up into her lean arms. Holding Tibby close, Tibby nuzzled her face in Darlene's hair while Darlene stroked her back. Softly, Darlene spoke, "Did you miss me?"

Silently, Tibby nodded and held Darlene just a little tighter. Knowing that Tibby needed cheering up, Darlene began peppering Tibby's face with kisses. Pressing an abundant amount of kisses until Tibby giggled. Steve fondly smiled and dropped his gaze back to the bowl of meat in front of him. Figuring that it was a Mom Thing.

Steve peeked up at the clock and found that it was going on noon. Rolling one more ball, Steve turned to the sink and washed the meat and seasoning from his hands. Quietly excusing himself to use the Barnes' house phone to call Sarah.

Dialing the number, Steve continued until he was in the guestroom. Holding the handheld up to his ear, he patiently waited for someone to answer. Surely, someone would answer, right? Right? They'd be anticipating Steve to call home, yeah? It was his birthday, after all.

Just as Steve started to worry his lip with his teeth, he heard Sarah cheerily answer, "Hello?"

"Hey," Steve replied, exhaling deeply and allowing the anxiety to leave his body.

"Stevie?!" Sarah happily stated, "Goodness, I nearly didn't recognize you. You really are growing up, huh."

"Yeah, yeah," Steve rolled his eyes, but the smile stayed on his face as he mocked, "No need to get emotional now."

"Steven, I am your mother," Sarah feigned sternness, but Steve could hear the smile. She sniffled and admitted, "I just can't believe that my baby is all grown up!"

Steve good-naturedly scoffed, "Okay, okay. None of that."

"All of that," Sarah argued with a giggle. Steve sat down on the bed and Sarah softly told him, "Happy birthday, sweetie. Are you having a good day?"

"Thanks, mom," Steve smiled, briefly wishing that he was home just so he could hug her. Turning his gaze downward, Steve realized that he would be home soon enough, and suddenly, Steve was more than just a little conflicted. Looking down at his painted toes, Steve told her, "It's been okay. We're getting ready for a barbeque."

"Yeah? That sounds exciting," Sarah said. Steve was sure that she was smiling, and he smiled too. She asked, "Hopefully, Nattie's behaving herself."

"Surprisingly --"

"Eddie, shh," Sarah said off the phone, causing Steve to pause. Steve bit back his grin and Sarah sighed, "Eddie wants to talk to you."

"Well," Steve feigned annoyance, "Put him on, I guess."

"He probably wants to talk about Meatloaf," Sarah warned.

"How is Meatloaf?" Steve questioned with a chuckle.

"I'm sure Eddie will give you the run down," Sarah teased. Then, she told Steve, "I'm handing over the phone now."

"Okay," Steve agreed, preparing for whatever Eddie was going to tell him.

"Happy birthday to you," Eddie loudly started singing. Steve winced and pulled the phone back from his ear as Eddie continued, "Happy birthday, dear Stevie! Happy birthday to you!"

"Thanks, Ed," Steve told him once he was positive Eddie was done signing. "What are you doing today? Anything fun?"

"Daddy made berry trifle," Eddie spoke loudly.

"Yeah? Is it good?" Steve questioned, reclining back on the bed.

"Dunno," Eddie admitted, then excitedly informed Steve, "Meatloaf is having her babies though!"

"Really?" Steve asked, a large grin crossing his face.

"Yup!" Eddie happily confirmed. Almost as though he was jumping around, as he continued, "You're going to share your birthday with the kittens."

"That's pretty cool," Steve smiled.

There was commotion on the other line and Eddie informed Steve, "Mommy wants to talk to you."

"Okay," Steve agreed, then, before Eddie can pass the phone over, Steve suggested, "Save one for me to name."

"Okay, love you!" Eddie loudly called.

"Love you, too," Steve smiled and waited for the commotion to stop.

"Did Eddie tell you?" Sarah asked.

Steve nodded, "He did. Leave one for me to name?"

Sarah giggled at that and she said, "You can put in your requests once I post pictures."

"Deal," Steve agreed. Chewing on his lower lip, Steve knew that he needed to get off the phone. So, a bit reluctantly he stated, "I should go. Don't want to keep the line tied up."

"Okay, sweetie," Sarah confirmed, "I love you. Happy birthday."

Just like every other birthday, Steve wanted to thank Sarah for so much more than simply wishing him a happy birthday. To thank her for being his family. To thank her for being so supportive. To thank her for giving up her youth. To thank her for choosing to raise him as her own. Instead of saying all of what he was thankful for, Steve went with the simple, "Thanks. I love you, too. Love dad, too."

"He loves you, too," Sarah replied, "He'd tell you himself, if he wasn't busy with Meatloaf."

Steve grinned at that, "I'm sure that he'll message me later."

"I'm sure too," Sarah agreed, telling Steve that she loved him again.

Ending the call, Steve sat there for a moment. Hoping that Sarah knew just how grateful he was for her. Knowing that he was damn lucky to have Sarah and hoping that she knew that.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now