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Unsure of what to do, Steve pulled away from Bucky. Both of their faces were flushed and Steve avoided Brock's cold, hard gaze that was leveled on him. Honestly, Steve felt like a kid who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar before dinner. I guess it's because Bucky's so sweet, Steve internally mused.

"Well," Brock started, his voice visibly tense. Cautiously, Steve peeked up to find Brock's stony expression looking between him and Bucky. Narrowing his eyes on Steve, Brock finished, "Guess you're it, Stevie."

Shoulders hunched and worrying his lower lip, Steve sighed and started heading towards the house. Realizing that they were, in fact, the first ones to be found. It was unfair. So unfair. It was Steve's birthday and since he kissed Bucky, he didn't want to play the game anymore.

"Hey," Bucky leaned over, softly speaking into his ear, "I'll take it, if you want."

Steve glanced up at Bucky. Noticing that his naturally red lips were just a little redder than usual, and Steve pressed his own lips together to keep himself from pressing them to Bucky's again. Even though that was all Steve wanted to do.

Averting his gaze, Steve nodded and accepted Bucky's offer, "Okay." Peeking at Bucky again -- like a man addicted -- and shyly smiled, "Thanks."

"No problem," Bucky's sincere grin slowly stretched his lips, sending a chill down Steve's spine like he just realized it had been for him all along.

Steve bit his lip and averted his gaze. Knowing that it was too much. The grin. His lips. How Bucky's brown locks had been disheveled due to his hands. It was more than Steve could've ever imagined happening. When Natasha begged him to go with her to her cousins', Steve would've never imagined this.

Reaching the deck, Steve took a seat on the step and Bucky took a seat beside him. Brock stood in front of them with his arms crossed, just glaring at both of them. Steve shifted uncomfortably in his spot and kept his head ducked, knowing that his face was extremely hot and he was blushing all the way to his ears.

"Shouldn't you, um," Bucky started. Steve peeked at him and found him looking up at Brock, "Shouldn't you be finding, uh, everyone else?"

"I don't know," Brock remarked. It was obvious that Brock was trying to sound playful, but was failing. He just sounded pissed as he continued, "I think I should babysit you two. Ya know, make sure you keep your hands to yourselves."

Steve rolled his eyes and stared down at Bucky's sneakers, wondering if his toes were still painted. Trying his best to avoid looking up at Brock, who was standing directly in front of Steve. Being disgusted that if he sat up straight, he'd be practically face-to-face with Brock's crotch.

"C'mon," Bucky sighed, annoyed. He gestured out to the rest of the yard and said, "If you don't find the others, we can't start the next round."

Brock shifted his weight, "I mean, ya gonna keep your hands to yourself?"

Another annoyed sighed from Bucky, "Dude."

Steve was annoyed too. Not only because his kiss was interrupted. Not just because he wanted to keep kissing Bucky. No. Steve was annoyed because Brock was acting like a misogynistic caveman asshole. And what gave him the right?!

"Why do you even care?" Steve questioned, tilting his head back to look at Brock's face rather than his crotch. With his brows furrowed in his anger, Steve looked over Brock's stern expression and grew angrier, "There is absolutely no reason for you to babysit me. This isn't the 1950s. I'm not a girl. And even if I was, there's no reason for you to be acting like a jealous douchebag."

Brock's brows arched high on his forehead, he blinked as though he was trying to clear his shock. Glancing at Bucky, Steve kept his gaze locked on Brock. Out of his periphery, Steve saw Bucky give a what-did-you-expect shrug. Brock redirected his attention to Steve. Looking like he was going to argue, but ultimately decided against it and started walking around the yard.

Knocking his knee against Steve's, Steve looked over at Bucky and found a blush coloring his cheeks. Steve shyly smirked and tried -- and failed -- not to look at Bucky's lips. Bucky apologized, "I'm sorry about him."

"It's okay," Steve reassured, knocking his knee against Bucky's. Another slow smile stretched Bucky's face, causing Steve's stomach to dip, and Steve shrugged, "It's not your thing to apologize for."

Bucky nodded and scooted closer in his seat. Their legs touching, Bucky bashfully kept his gaze on the ground as he confessed, "Would it be pathetic if I asked to kiss you again?"

Pressing his lips together, Steve glanced over to the side where Brock easily found the other people. Steve pushed aside his suspicions of Brock purposely choosing them to find first, and Steve noticed the way that Natasha was giving him a knowing smirk. His cheeks burned and he returned his gaze to Bucky.

Pushing himself up off the deck step, Steve stood, getting ready for the next round. With a playful smirk, Steve quietly teased, "Nah. Maybe if you find me, I'll let you kiss me again."

That slow smile crinkling up to his eyes, Bucky stood as well. Dusting off his shorts, Bucky shoved his hands in his cargo shorts pockets and agreed, "When I find you."

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now