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Once they were halfway through the airport parking lot, Bucky led the pair over to a Kermit the Frog green 1976 Ford Bronco with a white top. Opening the trunk, Bucky held his hand out for the bags. Steve readily gave his bag over, but Natasha insisted on doing it herself.

Leading the way again, Natasha started heading around to the passenger side. And since Natasha was heading that way, Steve followed.

"Hold on," Bucky declared, holding his hand up to the pair. They paused and Bucky rushed ahead of them. He opened the door and started throwing empty pop and water bottles behind the seat as he explained, "It's a little messy."

"Yeah," Natasha sneered, pulling out a cigarette. Balancing it between her lips, staining the cigarette with her plum lipstick, she didn't waste any time lighting it. Exhaling a puff, Natasha continued busting Bucky's balls, "We can see, ya know."

A light blush colored Bucky's cheeks and Steve elbowed Natasha in her ribs, but she didn't care. Trying to ease some of the tension, Steve politely stated, "Thank you for picking us up."

"Oh, you don't have to thank me," Bucky brushed off with an easy grin as he walked around the front of the Bronco. As he opened the heavy door to the driver's side. Climbing inside, Bucky said, "You can thank, Brock, though. It's his truck."

Natasha gestured for Steve to climb in first, and Steve did. The bench seat wasn't very large, and Steve's face heated as he slid along the seat, next to Bucky. Trying not to get distracted by Bucky's jawline that was so chiseled that one could cut their hand on it, Steve questioned, "Who's Brock."

"One of Sam's friends," Bucky answered, pulling out of the spot and nearly backing into another vehicle.

"Jesus Christ," Natasha exclaimed, pulling her sunglasses down slightly and looking in the side mirror over the top of the black frames. She sneered, "Do you even have a license?"

"Yes," Bucky chuckled. He shrugged and defended himself, "I'm not used to driving such a large vehicle."

"Obviously," Natasha scoffed and pushed her sunglasses back up her nose and rested her elbow on the door, making sure the smoke left through the open window.

Not wanting to sit in silence, Steve gestured towards the radio and asked, "Do you mind?"

Bucky glanced over at Steve and confirmed, "No, not at all. Go right ahead."

So, with Bucky's blessing, Steve turned on the radio. Immediately regretting it though when they were greeted with a pop-rock song blaring through the speakers. Quickly, Steve turned the volume down. And even though the music wasn't his style, Steve knew that Natasha liked it, so he didn't change the station.

While Natasha tapped her fingers on her thigh to the beat, Steve settled in the seat. Looking at the scenery before them, Steve couldn't help but wonder if they had left New York at all.

Leaving the airport behind, Natasha elbowed Steve. Instantly gaining Steve's attention, Natasha sarcastically mocked, "Don't look so tore up about it. Someone might assume you don't want to be here."

Steve rolled his eyes and scoffed, "You know that I can't help it."

"Yeah, yeah," Natasha smirked, "Smiling's your favorite thing. Blah, blah, blah. Settle down, Buddy the Elf, will ya?"

"Shut up," Steve good-naturedly scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes again.

Natasha simply smirked and threw the cigarette butt out the window. Rolling up the window, Natasha paused. Realizing that there wasn't any air conditioning, Natasha rolled down the window again and griped, "Holy shit, how does this dude get around in this sweaty ass weather without AC?"

Bucky shrugged, his elbow resting on the door and assumed, "Used to it?"

"Jesus H. Christ," Natasha complained. Then, as though the thought had just popped into his head, "Hold the fuck up --"

"Nat," Steve softly interjected, a reminder of Natasha to watch her language.

"-- Please tell me that your house has AC," Natasha continued, ignoring Steve.

"Yes, we have air," Bucky chuckled. Glancing over at Natasha, he joked, "We're not completely uncivilized here."

Steve smirked at that. Before he could avert his gaze, Bucky's eyes fell on him. Bucky's lips quirked up even more, effectively causing Steve's breath to halt. Holding his breath up until Bucky turned his gaze in front of him back onto the road.

"Praise the lord," Natasha deadpanned, practically echoing Steve's exact thought as he took in a deep breath.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now