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As it turned out, Steve won. In more ways than one as Bucky carried the ridiculously large stuffed purple unicorn under his arm while holding Steve's hand in his. Their fingers laced as they walked along the fairgrounds. This was what Steve had ever wanted. No, this was more than Steve had ever wanted.

The game and ride lights were turning on as it neared sunset, and Steve was on cloud nine. Even when Bucky admitted, "I should probably tell you something."

"Okay," Steve worried his lower lip. Those words always brought some anxiety to Steve, but he tried to remind himself that Bucky was different. So, Steve took in a deep breath and feigning nonchalance as he prompted, "Shoot."

"What you said earlier," Bucky started, reminding Steve.

Steve's heart stuttered in his chest and he looked down, ashamed at his prior behavior. Feeling positively dreadful because, of course, he had over reacted. Sure, it was the day before his T shot and he always got more emotional on those days, but he just felt so awful. Mainly, for how he assumed Bucky was just like every other guy.

Bucky continued, "About how you weren't sure if I liked you because I think of you as a girl -- which I don't. Or if I liked you for you."

Steve walked beside Bucky, silently. Waiting to hear the rest of what he had to say. Holding out hope for Bucky's confession and gladly accepting the squeeze that Bucky gave his hand. Almost as though Bucky could tell that he needed that soothing gesture. Which, Bucky's instincts were dead on because Steve most definitely did need that.

"I do. Like you for you," Bucky reassured. Shifting the unicorn under his arm to get a better grasp of it, Bucky confessed, "I've never dated my exes because they were girls. I dated them because I liked who they were. If they had been boys, I would've still liked them because of who they were. Because of what their hearts were like."

Letting out a breath that he hadn't realized that he had been holding, Steve eased a bit. Okay, Steve eased a lot. Having been terrified that Brock could've been even remotely right about Bucky, had been plaguing Steve. Even if he had been ridiculous to have believed Brock at all.

This just made it all the more obvious: Brock didn't know Bucky.

"I mean, hell, I had a crush on Brock when I first met him. Then I got to know him," Bucky playfully scrunched his face in disgust, earning a chuckle from Steve. "For me, it has nothing to do with what parts a person has. It has everything to do with what heart they have," Bucky clarified. Giving Steve's hand another comforting squeeze, Bucky conceded, "And I really like your heart, Steve."

Steve's heart stuttered in his chest. Sure, Steve knew that Bucky liked him. Hell, they had spent hours making out. They had held hands and played footsie. They even spent the whole day at the County Fair together. But hearing this was different. Hearing this reminded Steve that Natasha was always right. That this wasn't just because Steve was there for the summer.

And then, to make Bucky even more perfect, he sweetly continued, "Wouldn't matter to me if you were a girl or a boy or anything and nothing. All that matters to me is who you are at your very core. It only matters who your soul is." Leaning a bit closer, Bucky confessed, "Even if you are the cutest boy I've ever seen."

Pausing, Steve turned to look at Bucky. There was a vulnerability radiating off of Bucky that Steve could feel all the way to his very bones. Steve didn't need to ask to understand that this was something extremely personal to Bucky. Steve felt privileged in that moment to have this part of Bucky that he hadn't shared with anyone else.

Standing on his toes, Steve leaned forward and sweetly kissed Bucky. Not caring if other people were looking. Not caring about anything other than Bucky and kissing that cute boy. Letting his hand cup the side of Bucky's prominent jaw and knowing that with his whole heart that Bucky was special.

Pulling back from the kiss, Bucky leaned his forehead against Steve's and Steve breathily told Bucky, "Thank you."

Softly chuckling, Bucky teased, "I thought that was my line."

"I wasn't talking about the kiss," Steve scoffed and playfully poked Bucky's side, causing him to chuckle and squirm out of Steve's grasp. As the air settled around them, Steve placed his hand tenderly on Bucky's hip and clarified, "I was talking about how you trust me."

Bucky beamed down at Steve and confirmed, "I do trust you."

And even though Bucky had spoken something completely different, Steve could hear it. Could feel it. The silent love that formed the words. The way it caused that slow grin to grow and crinkle up to his steel blue eyes. Reached Steve's heart. Floated in the air around them. Completely surrounded them.

"I trust you, too," Steve assured, closing his eyes as Bucky affectionately kissed his forehead.

What he meant was, I love you, too.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now