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The next day, Steve is awoken by two girls arguing over something. In his grogginess, he couldn't make out anything really. Just the back and forth of, "nuh uh," and, "yeah huh."

"Shut up!" Natasha sleepily yelled from beside Steve, causing the girls in the other room to go silent. As she rolled over onto her back, she asked Steve, "What time is it anyway?"

Yawning, Steve rolled onto his side. Reaching for his cellphone, Steve blindly searched for it on the side table before squinting his tired eyes to actually look for it. With it finally in hand, Steve pressed the home button and cleared his throat to inform Natasha, "Almost ten."

"What the fuck," Natasha groaned and rolled onto her side, nuzzling into Steve's back as she said, "I didn't get nearly enough sleep."

"Me either," Steve confirmed with a loud yawn, closing his eyes as he settled back into his spot.

"Don't they know we're sleeping?" Natasha grumbled behind Steve, her forehead pressed to Steve's shoulder blade.

Yawning again, Steve tiredly agreed, "Rude."

"So rude," Natasha agreed, reaching up between their bodies to carefully scratch her nose. Bumping her still sore nose, Natasha let out a little pained, "Ow."

"You probably should've iced it before," Steve suggested, just a little too late as he glanced over his shoulder.

"You probably should've iced it," Natasha mocked, poking his side to make him squirm before she rolled over to her back.

Since Natasha rolled over, so did Steve. With a scowl, Natasha looked over Steve, but Steve childishly stuck his tongue out at her. Knowing that Natasha wouldn't be able to keep the scowl once he did so. And just like Steve expected, the scowl vanished from Natasha's face before she started giggling uncontrollably.

When a snort escaped her in her glee, Steve good-humoredly teased, "What was that?!"

"Shut up!" Natasha swatted at him and snorted again, only causing Steve's laughter to get louder.

Trying to stop her giggles, Natasha covered her mouth and accidentally, harshly bumped her nose. Wincing, Natasha's eyes started to water and she softly said, "Ow."

Getting out of bed, Steve headed over to the ensuite and promptly got a washcloth. Running it under the cold water until all of it was wet, Steve turned the sink faucet off and wrung it out before carrying it over to Natasha.

"Thanks," Natasha stated, accepting the damp cloth from Steve. Holding it up to her sore nose, Natasha wistfully informed, "I'll tell ya what, Stevie. You sure do make a girl wish she was your boyfriend."

Steve rolled his eyes and shook his head as he headed into the bathroom. Brushing his teeth, Steve's gaze roamed over his reflection. His floppy blond hair was mussed, and against Steve's best efforts to train his hair to lay a certain way, it didn't seem to be working very well. There were dark circles under his eyes, but that was probably because Steve hadn't gotten a lot of sleep in the past couple of days.

Spitting in the sink, Steve rinsed the toothbrush and tilted his head from side-to-side to get different angles of his jaw. Once Natasha walked over to the bathroom, she paused in the doorway and watched Steve for a moment. Steve glanced over at her and Natasha asked, "What cha doin'?"

"Do you --" Steve started before cutting himself off. Turning from his reflection to his friend, Steve helplessly gestured towards his face, "My jaw?"

Natasha's brows furrowed and she crossed her arms along her chest, "What do you mean?"

Steve's brows also furrowed and he asked, "Does it seem... different...?"

"Different?" Natasha questioned and Steve nodded. With her brows still furrowed, Natasha studied Steve for a moment. Taking a step into the bathroom, Natasha placed the damp washcloth on the side of the sink and took Steve's chin between her thumb and forefinger. Tilting Steve's head at different angles as she evaluated the fine lines of Steve's jaw.

"Well?" Steve prompted once Natasha's hand dropped.

Natasha nodded and confirmed, "It appears to be yours, alright."

Steve rolled his eyes and swatted at Natasha as he clarified, "Not what I meant."

"Oh," Natasha feigned innocence, but the smirk tugging at her lips gave her away. As she started to brush her teeth, Natasha said, "Moust def-net-leh oore as-cah-lehn."

Chuckling, Steve's brows furrowed as he tried to decipher, "More... masculine?"

Nodding, Natasha gently tapped the tip of her nose with her index finger like when they played charades. Steve grinned at that. Looking over his reflection again. Tilting his head in different ways to look at his jaw, trying to convince himself that Natasha's compliment was a fact rather than just kind words.

"Yeah," Steve agreed, running his hand over his smooth face, "More masculine."

Playfully, Natasha rolled her eyes before spitting the foamy dregs into the sink. Wiping her mouth, Natasha teased, "Easy there, Brock."

"Hey," Steve argued and said, "I am nowhere near as bad as him."

Natasha booped his nose on her way out of the bathroom, "Let's keep it that way, yeah?"

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now