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The game started with Brock as the first seeker while everyone else hid. No one discussed splitting up into teams to hide, but everyone split up anyway. Clint went with Evan, and Mandy. Becca and Sam went off with Hildy and Carol. Natasha even managed to hide with Sharon. Leaving Steve and Bucky. Although Steve wasn't certain, he was suspicious that it was intentionally set up that way.

Steve looked around, trying to figure out where he wanted to hide. The house was off limits per one of the only rules there seemed to be. There was still a lot of land though. The playset swing set combo. The RV parked off to the far right near the forest. The goats pen near the refurbished barn-turned-art studio.

On the deck, Brock was standing, facing the house with a hand over his closed eyes while he loudly counted. Heart pounding in his chest and his hands turning clammy, Steve surveyed the area. There were so many options, but Steve couldn't realistically see himself in any of them.

"C'mon," Bucky quietly suggested, taking Steve's sweaty hand in his.

Giving Steve's arm a tug before quickly heading over towards Aunt Winifred's art studio. Which was also off-limits. Steve couldn't help but worry his lip with his teeth. Both at the possibility of breaking a rule, and breaking it with Bucky. Mainly though, Steve wondered if he should pull his hand out of Bucky's grip. It was sweaty and clammy and just plain gross, in Steve's opinion. And he didn't want Bucky to associate those with him.

However, Steve only held on tighter, letting Bucky lead him wherever. Which happened to be off to the side of the barn, into a storage shed.

The shed itself was dark and Steve hated dark areas. Especially when they were dark, cramped spaces. But Bucky was there and Steve was positive that he'd go just about anywhere with Bucky. Even if it was a creepy shed in the middle of summer.

Reluctantly, Bucky dropped Steve's hand to close the double shed doors, leaving them in complete darkness. The pair was silent as they stood close to each other. Steve couldn't see Bucky move, but he could hear his feet shuffle and felt the tip of Bucky's shoes touch the side of his.

Realizing that Bucky was facing him, Steve swallowed thickly and decided to turn to face him too. They stood close in the cramped space, with their shoes touching. So close that Steve could practically feel the nervous energy rolling off Bucky. Or maybe that was just Steve's own nerves.

"Ready or not!" Brock yelled and Steve held his breath in anticipation as Brock continued, "Here I come!"

Closing his eyes, Steve expected Brock to find him and Bucky first. After all, they weren't far from the deck where Brock had been counting. Steve's heart pounded aggressively in his chest as he imagined Brock ripping the door open at any minute.

Silently, Bucky and Steve stood there as they waited. Steve wished now that they had hid somewhere else that wasn't so dark and wasn't so creepy. Or at least a place where he could see Bucky's face.

Of course, Steve did take little comfort in still wearing Bucky's zip-up. Just a little.

Then, Steve felt Bucky's fingers softly graze the back of Steve's hand. Trailing down to Steve's fingers and leaving a tingle wherever they went. Almost like his cells were waking.

Lacing their fingers together, Bucky took a step closer. Closing the distance between them as their bodies touched. Steve tilted his head back to look up at Bucky, even though it was too dark to see him. Yet, that didn't seem to matter as Bucky's other hand tenderly traced up Steve's arm. Traced over his shoulder. Traced up Steve's neck and cradled his jaw.

Affectionately, Bucky's thumb stroked Steve's jaw and Steve closed his eyes. Surprisingly, Steve's breathing was even as he relaxed into Bucky's touch. Bucky leaned forward, and softly ran his nose along Steve's. So softly that Steve wasn't even sure if it really happened or if he just imagined it.

As Bucky rested his forehead against Steve's, Steve wished that it wasn't so dark. Steve wanted to see Bucky. He wanted to see what his eyes looked like in that moment. He wanted to see the blush that was probably coloring his high cheekbones. Mainly, Steve wanted to see if Bucky wanted this as much as he did.

"Steve?" Bucky whispered, breaking the silence. Making it real.

Steve's heart stuttered, "Yes?"

Bucky moved his head, brushing his nose along Steve's again while his thumb gently stroked over Steve's jaw, "Can I kiss you?"

A smile tugged at Steve's lips as he breathlessly confirmed, "Yes."

With that, Bucky delicately tilted Steve's head up a little more and pressed his lips to Steve's. Finding that Bucky's lips were softer than Steve could've imagined and he promptly started melting into the kiss. Not fully believing that this was real, Steve appreciated Bucky squeezing his hand. Almost as though he couldn't believe it either.

Their lips moved together and their hands dropped from one another's. Steve brought his arms up, hanging them around Bucky's neck and he immediately tangled his fingers in Bucky's soft brown hair. Meanwhile, Bucky's hands fell to Steve's waist.

Respectfully, Bucky kept his hands at Steve's hips. Not sliding them down to grope Steve. Not trying to slip them under Steve's shirt. Not doing anything that his parents and teachers had warned him about what boys want. Simply keeping them on Steve's hips. Bucky did, however, give them a fond squeeze when Steve stroked down his neck.

The kiss was like being outdoors on a sunny day as the rays beamed down on his bare skin after being thrown into a swimming hole. It was drawing goats and the garden while his best friend painted his toes. It was waking up early and being surprised with a cup of coffee made just the way he liked it. It was eating crunchy and burnt pizza rolls at three in the morning. It was arriving at the airport and finding the most beautiful boy waiting there.

Bucky's touch warmed Steve straight to his core, and he couldn't help but melt into the embrace. Bucky's lips were sweeter than Sharkleberry Fin Kool-Aid, leaving Steve craving him even though their lips were still connected.

Steve realized that he wasn't craving him for now; he was craving him for later. Craving all the kisses that he wouldn't get once he went home. Realizing just how unfortunate life could be sometimes.

This wasn't Steve's first kiss ever. But it was the first kiss that mattered. And Steve knew that it was perfect. It was perfect and he'd remember it forev--"

"Gotcha!" Brock yelled, throwing the shed doors open. Completely startling Bucky and Steve, and causing the large grin to slip right off Brock's face.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now