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Standing off to the side by himself, Steve quietly watched the Barnes' Fourth of July Barbeque. Marveling at all the commotion and wondering if he could sneak back inside the house, unnoticed. People in general made Steve uncomfortable, but strangers made his skin crawl.

"Hi," a familiar voice softly greeted next to Steve.

Not expecting it, Steve nearly jumped out of his skin. Turning to find Bucky, Steve let out a relieved breath and brought a hand to his chest in hopes of calming his racing heart. There was an apologetic -- yet still amused -- grin on his face. Briefly, Bucky pressed his lips together before he quietly asked, "What are you doing over here by yourself?"

Steve shrugged and looked down at his feet as he admitted, "I don't like being around a lot of people."

"Huh," Bucky mused, regaining Steve's attention. Bucky was fighting his smile as he teased, "And here I thought Natasha was the anti-social one."

"Funny," Steve deadpanned and playfully rolled his eyes. His heart fluttered when Bucky's smile grew and crinkled around his ice blue eyes. It was Steve's favorite smile. The smile that Steve would like to pretend was just for him.

"So," Bucky started, glancing away and clearing his throat. Steve kept his attention on Bucky, and mentally noted how close they were standing. Not that Steve minded. Bucky kept his gaze on his hands as he suggested, "They're showing The Fly and Return of the Fly this Monday."

Steve knew the movie. And although he thrilled at the fact that Bucky was inviting him, officially, to Monster Movie Monday, Steve wasn't sure he could stomach the movie that early in the morning. Even just thinking about the special effects made Steve feel queasy.

Since Steve hadn't said anything, Bucky peeked up at him. Bucky's brows furrowed as he asked, "What?"

Thinking of the grotesque body horror of the acclaimed 1986 film, Steve shuddered and admitted, "I nearly puked when I watched it with my dad."

"Really?" Bucky questioned, concern seeping into his expression as his eyes went wide in shock. He quietly mused, "I know that Vincent Price is the master of horror, but I don't know anyone who's --"

"Vincent Price?" Steve interrupted, his brows furrowing.

"Yeah," Bucky confirmed, smiling as he reminded, "The Ki--"

"The King of Horror, I know," Steve quickly assured. Then, he shook his head and said, "It didn't have him. It had Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis."

"Gotcha," Bucky nodded, understanding and reassured, "That's the remake. On Monday, it'll be the original."

With a smile, Steve mocked a sigh of relief and pretended to wipe imaginary sweat from his forehead, causing Bucky to laugh. When the laughter trickled to an end, Steve bit back his own grin. Bashfully looking away when his eyes locked with Bucky's. Who knew that such blue eyes could warm someone's soul as though they were swimming in hot chocolate.

Steve found himself feeling like this often when he was around Bucky. No, only when he was around Bucky. Steve's lips were fighting to quirk up, despite his teeth being in his lower lip. Admitting to himself that Bucky's laugh was his favorite sound, and that Bucky's eyes were his favorite color.

Glancing back up, Steve mentally noted how close they were standing. A part of Steve felt the urge to reach out and feel the five o'clock shadow on Bucky's prominent jaw beneath his fingertips. The thought shocked Steve. Knowing that he was attracted to Bucky, but not realizing the extent of his own feelings until that very moment.

"Steve!" Natasha's voice broke through Steve's daydreams, and Steve turned to look over to where Natasha was. Which happened to be at the volleyball net that had been specifically set up for the party. She held the patriotic volleyball against her hip and insisted with a wave, "C'mon!"

Turning back to look at Bucky, Steve found his gaze down, on his navy-blue cargo shorts. The same shorts that Steve owned packed in his dresser back home. Not wanting to think about home, Steve bumped his shoulder against Bucky's. Once Bucky was looking up at him, Steve gestured over to the net and encouraged, "Let's go!"

As a slow grin stretched across Bucky's face, Steve grabbed his hand and gave him a gentle tug. Bucky slightly staggered at the gesture, but quickly regained his balance and allowed Steve to lead him over to the net. Easily, Bucky fell into step next to Steve. Out of his periphery, Steve caught Bucky glance down at their linked hands and smile real sweet and private. Almost as though, he didn't expect Steve to catch him.

Steve's heart stuttered in his chest and he wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but he could've sworn that he felt Bucky's thumb rub tender circles in the back of his hand. Before Steve could glance down and see if Bucky was actually being so cute, Natasha grabbed his free hand and yanked him away. Stumbling, Steve managed to throw one glance at Bucky, sharing an apologetic grin with each other.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now