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As the game progressed, the more Steve grew to loathe Brock. Finding that Brock had the audacity to be both a sore winner and a sore loser. For each point that him and his team made, he would cheer and rub it in Steve's face, specifically. For each point that they lost, he would demand, "Get your shit together, Crossbones!"

The other team members groaned in annoyance and Natasha loudly argued, "That's not the team's name!"

"Yes, it is!" Brock insisted, appearing to be absolutely bonkers as he questioned, "Then what is it?!"

"I don't know," Natasha placed her hands on her hips and challenged, "But it sure as all hell isn't that."

Steve stood there, watching the other team bicker while tossing the ball in the air and catching it. It was his turn to serve again, and he was going to make sure not to take it too easy this time. He was ready to end the game, if only to shut Brock up.

Sam was trying to diffuse the situation on the other side of the net, and Steve sighed. Holding the ball against his hip, and looked over at his teammates as he asked, "Should I wait?"

"Hell no," Hildy loudly answered.

Turning to face the front again, Steve caught Bucky's gaze. Bucky encouraged, "Go ahead. If they miss it, they miss it."

Assuring himself, Steve nodded and smiled at the support and skillfully tossed the ball up and hit it with the heel of his hand. Causing the ball to harshly and flawlessly fly over the net. Having been practiced almost religiously for the early half of his adolescence, Steve had near-perfect aim and managed to hit the ball where it would land directly between Natasha and Brock.

Brock and Natasha paused their bickering. While the ball bounced up, Sam caught it, looking at it in awe. Shocked, everyone on both sides of the net looked over at Steve. The only one who wasn't surprised was Natasha. But, of course, Natasha wouldn't be, considering she had been one of his main supporters during his games.

"Where the hell did that come from?!" Brock accused, approaching the net with furrowed brows.

Steve shrugged and before he could say anything, the members of his team all cheered victoriously. Sharon, Clint, and Hildy all crowded around Steve, ruffling his hair and holding his arms up as their proclaimed champion. Steve's cheeks burned and so did the tops of his ears as Sharon's younger brother, Evan, ruffled his hair. Bucky held back, smiling fondly at him and causing a shot of pride to develop in Steve's chest.

"Why the hell are you acting like he just won a tournament?! We're still playing!" Brock complained.

"Oh," Hildy started and childishly stuck her tongue out at him before heading back over to her spot.

"Such a dick," Evan muttered, following Hildy and taking his spot between Hildy and Bucky.

Clint companionably clapped his hand on Steve's shoulder and claimed, "Don't take it seriously."

"Right," Steve nodded, keeping his gaze down.

"You're serve!" Becca called from the other side of the net. She waited until Steve was looking before tossing the ball over to him.

"Thanks!" Steve called, focusing on catching the ball rather than the way his voice cracked.

Steve's jaw clenched tightly, he tossed the ball up, getting ready to serve again. Brock chose that moment to tease, "No wonder Bucky's got such'a hard on for ya! You're damn cute when you're determined!"

Fumbling, Steve caught the ball before it could go too far and his mouth dropped open in shock. Bucky was standing in front of Brock and Bucky lowly warned, "Stop."

"Oh, c'mon. I'm agreein' with ya!" Brock claimed, looking over Bucky's shoulder at Steve. Winking at Steve as he continued, "Your mouth really does pucker in the cutest way, sweetheart."

"Brock, seriously," Sharon sternly demanded, casting a cautious glance at Steve.

On the other side of the net, Sam shook his head in disappointment, "Not cool, man."

Brock mocked a pout, "But, babe --"

"Better be careful," Natasha warned with a smirk, "He purposely didn't hit you last time. If you keep talking you can guarantee he'll hit you this time."

From the back, Hildy's girlfriend, Carol, tucked the fallen blonde strands behind her ears and instructed Steve, "Serve it."

So, Steve did just that. Throwing the ball up, Steve made sure to serve it more aggressively than the previous time. Soaring over the net, Becca got to it, passed it to Mandy who hit it back over to his side. Hildy set it up and Evan jumped -- much higher than Steve expected -- and spiked the ball, scoring the game point.

From beside Steve, Clint yelled, "That's what I'm talking about Soaring Eagles!"

Sharon groaned and Hildy complained, "That's not our team name!"

"Seems fitting to me," Carol snickered, walking under the net to throw her arm around Hildy's waist and affectionately kissed her cheek.

Smiling, Steve bashfully averted his gaze. Not wanting them to think he was a creeper or a pervert watching their loving behavior. As they started heading over to the food, Hildy ruffled Steve's hair, regaining his attention.

"It's a damn shame that you don't live here, the Valkyries could use a player like you," Carol stated, causing Steve's chest to clench. If only his school back home was as supportive.

"Thanks," Steve smiled, meaning it.

"I'm starting to think that Wizard had it all wrong," Natasha started, slinging her arm around Steve's shoulders, "'There's no place like home'? Complete bullshit."

"Bullshit?" Steve questioned with a chuckle, allowing Natasha to guide him over to where the rest of the teenagers were getting food.

Natasha nodded, "I've never wanted to stay in Oz more, Toto."

Steve's eyes locked with Bucky's and he admitted, "I know what ya mean."

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now