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At the petting zoo, Darlene was calming a toddler who was terrified of Goat Steve and Goat Peggy. Steve wondered why the toddler wasn't taken away by the people looking after him. Until he spotted an older boy obviously flirting with Mandy who wasn't even interested. Figuring that the boy was the toddler's brother and that was the reason why the little boy wasn't taken away and comforted away from the animals that frightened him.

Turning his attention to Bucky who was letting Tibby down, Steve knew that he found a good one. He'd never want someone who could carelessly let their younger sibling suffer like that. And his Big Brother senses were ringing alarm bells as the toddler continued to whine.

"It's okay," Tibby crossed the pen to her mom and the little boy. She set a comforting hand on the toddler's back and reassured, "Goat Steve is nice. He won't bite."

At that, Goat Steve started licking Tibby's hand. The boy's lip was pouting out and Tibby clarified, "He'll give kisses!"

Steve smiled at that. Thinking of Eddie and wishing that he'd be able to meet the Barnes' one day. Steve knew that Eddie and Tibby would get along like kerosene and a lit match. Steve could even imagine his parents getting along with Winifred and Darlene. Just one big happy family.

Once the little boy was calmed down, Darlene crossed the pen to Steve and Bucky. She placed her hands on her hips and asked, "So, what happened?"

"Tibby ran off because Sharon was using the restroom still," Bucky nonchalantly answered.

"Of course, she did," Darlene shook her head and sighed, "Did you find Sharon? I bet she was worried sick."

"We did," Steve assured.

"Good," Darlene dramatically deflated, causing Steve to softly chuckle. Darlene winked at him and then started waving them off, "Go have fun!"

"You sure you don't want me to take over," Bucky politely offered.

"No, no, I don't need that," Darlene gestured back towards Mandy, "I have your sister, if I need that. And Sam and Clint are going to come back in an hour."

Bucky didn't look too sure, but he agreed, "Okay."

Steve smiled and waved at her and Tibby as he followed Bucky out of the petting zoo pen. As they started headed back the way they came, Steve let his arm swing at his side instead of shoving his hands into his pockets the way that he wanted to. Mainly because what Steve wanted even more was for Bucky to take his hand.

And luckily, that was exactly what Bucky did.

Easing in his bones, Steve happily laced his fingers with Bucky's. Thrilling at the way Bucky seemed content with holding his hand. It was more than what Steve could've ever asked for.

"So," Bucky started, playfully swinging their linked arms.

Chuckling, Steve prompted, "So?"

"What do you want to do first?" Bucky asked, bashfully glancing down at the ground while raking his unoccupied hand through his soft brown tresses.

Steve shrugged, "What do you want to do?"

Before Bucky could answer, a loud squeal came from a girl at one of the game booths as her date handed over a large teddy bear. Steve smirked at the gesture. Maybe it was because Steve, himself, was in the beginning of something good that he couldn't help but feel happy that someone else was also experiencing something so sweet. Regardless, Steve was happy for them.

Leaning closer, Bucky teased, "How about I win you a teddy bear?"

Steve's brows furrowed and he turned his attention from the happy couples surrounding the game booths. Looking up at Bucky, Steve questioned, "A teddy bear?"

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now