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After the night that Steve spent with Bucky, he couldn't wait to wake up and get to spend even more time with him. Vaguely wondering if the butterflies fluttering in his stomach while he got around for the day would ever go away. A small part of him hoped that they never would.

As they brushed their teeth side-by-side in the ensuite, Natasha was watching Steve's reflection. Her eyes narrowing once he finished and smiled at himself. Especially once Steve happily shrugged his shoulders up and nearly skipped out of the bathroom.

"I take it your night went well," Natasha smirked, quirking a brow up as she leaned against the doorframe.

"It did," Steve agreed, thinking about how he spent almost two hours making out with Bucky.

Crossing the room, Natasha playfully poked Steve's blushing, freckled cheek. Steve sighed in his annoyance and Natasha wrapped her arms around his frame. Excitedly, her eyes lit up as she shook him, "We're going to be actually, legitimately related!"

"Shh," Steve shushed her and rolled his eyes as he pulled out of her grasp. Even though the butterflies in his stomach said differently, Steve reasoned with his best friend, "We're not even dating."

"Uh huh," Natasha dramatically rolled her eyes as she repositioned her lilac and baby blue crop top before smoothing her hands over her black jean short overalls. Over the front was a white skeletal system, starting with the ribs and ending with the pelvis. Rolling the shorts so they were just a little shorter, Natasha deadpanned, "Keep telling yourself that, sweetie."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed to pull on a pair of socks. And although Steve was going to play it off as nothing more than a fling, it had nothing to do with what he actually wanted. It had everything to do with keeping his heart from breaking.

Finally exiting the guestroom, they were surprised to find the house to be empty and silent. Well, except for Bucky, who was sitting at the table, quietly eating a bowl of cereal.

"Welcome to the Twilight Zone?" Natasha whispered directly into Steve's ear. Poking Steve's side, he squirmed out into the hallway and Natasha announced their presence by loudly asking Bucky, "Where is everyone?"

Bucky leaned back in his seat and quickly chewed his mouth of cereal. Swallowing, he replied, "County Fair."

"Yeah?" Natasha entered the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, "Why aren't you there?"

"Figured you'd wanna ride with me rather than Brock," Bucky clarified, shoveling another large spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

Natasha tapped her temple and confirmed, "You're a smart cookie."

Bucky blushed at that, but a smirk was on his face. Especially once his gaze landed on Steve. With his blush darkening, Bucky turned back around to face the windows as he finished his breakfast.

As Steve headed over to the cereal pantry, he spotted the usual mint green ceramic bowl with the gold interior and the tiny pink flowers. His heart sung a little at the kind gesture. Sure, it was a simple gesture, but it made Steve already miss it for when Bucky won't be there to set a bowl out for him.

Shaking his head to get the negativity out of his mind, Steve grabbed the Trix and helped himself to it. Before he could even cross the room for the milk, Natasha handed it to him and joined him at the counter. Wiggling her eyebrows theatrically in the process and causing Steve to playfully roll his eyes in silent reply.

Carrying his breakfast over to the table, Steve slid in to the booth in front of Bucky. Sheepishly keeping his gaze on the table, Steve spotted a thick novel opened on the table and curiously questioned, "What cha readin'?"

"Oh, um," Bucky started, bashfully glancing at Steve. Redirecting his gaze to the old, weathered paperback, Bucky admitted, "Stephen King."

"Yeah?" Steve asked, smirking. Hesitantly, Steve reached across the table to pick up the novel that laid open, flat on the table. Without losing Bucky's spot, Steve noticed there were underlined sections and he read aloud, "'But below the tumble of his chaotic thoughts, below the triphammer beat of his heart, he could hear the soft and futile sound of the doorknob being turned to and fro as something locked in tried helplessly to get out, something that wanted to meet him, something that would like to be introduced to his family...'"

Blushing, Bucky scoffed, "He has a way with words, huh?"

"I guess so," Steve agreed, placing the book back in its place in front of Bucky. Placing his finger in his spot, Steve flipped to the front cover to see The Shining.

"God, I love that movie," Natasha exaggerated as she took the seat next to Steve on the booth seat.

"Who doesn't?" Bucky scoffed and brought his bowl up to his mouth to drink the milk. Once done, he lowered the bowl, revealing a milk mustache.

Smiling, Steve averted his gaze to his own bowl of cereal. Trying to keep his laughter back as he started shoveling the sugary cereal into his own mouth. With Steve's laughter being contagious, Bucky chuckled, "What?"

Beaming up at Bucky, Steve gestured to his mouth and watched as Bucky's cheeks flamed. Picking up a napkin, Bucky wiped the milk-stache from his upper lip, and Steve playfully reassured, "Don't worry, it was cute."

Of course, that only made Bucky's blush darken. Underneath the table, Steve felt Bucky's foot purposely brush against his, causing his own cheeks to redden. Trying to keep his grin in check, Steve rushed to finish his cereal. Wondering what the County Fair had in store for them.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now