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Once the teens started yawning and growing tired, they decided that the party was officially over. Their parents and the other adults had already been long gone or asleep by then, and so were their younger siblings. So, when it started approaching two in the morning, they all decided to call it a night.

Mandy and Becca were the first to enter the house, both yawning. Which caused Sam to yawn as he made sure that the bonfire was properly and officially out for good. Hand-in-hand, Hildy and Carol made their way to Carol's 2011 beige Toyota Corolla, giving Clint a ride back to his house as well.

Steve awkwardly stood by the back door. Wondering if he should be helping clean up, but there wasn't anything left to clean up. Of course, Steve was really loitering around the back door because he wanted to be around Bucky. Wondering if he should say something. Or do something.

After all, Steve hadn't been on many dates, so he wasn't sure what to do. He was especially clueless with him not being dropped off at his house, but instead staying in his date's house. What was the protocol for that? Was there a protocol?

"It was nice meeting you," Evan announced, snapping Steve out of his thoughts.

"Oh, uh, yeah," Steve agreed. Blinking away his own concerns and smiling at the younger teen. Spotting the red on his shoulders and nose, Steve reminded, "Put some aloe on your burns."

"Will do," Evan returned the smile and awkwardly waved and took the shortcut through the house to make his way towards Brock's Bronco. Steve watched as he moved in the dimly lit house and wondered if he should sneak away to the guestroom.

"I know you're not going to," Brock started from beside Steve, startling Steve. Brock's lips quirked up, amused even though his eyes seemed cold as he continued, "You should heed the warning though."

Steve rolled his eyes, ready to argue with him. However, the words stopped and dissolved on his tongue when Brock softly conceded, "You're too pretty to cry over a guy like Barnes."

Clenching his jaw, Steve watched as Brock arrogantly walked through the house. Narrowing his eyes he made sure that Brock didn't do anything else to sour the night. Considering everything that he had said to Steve alone, Steve couldn't fathom how Sam and Clint could be friends with such an awful person. Not to mention how Sharon could date the dude.

Speaking of Sharon. Sweetly, she grinned at Steve, "Have a nice night, Steve."

"You too," Steve returned the wish. After all, speak it into existence and all that jazz. And although Steve hadn't spent a lot of time around Sharon, he could tell that she deserved a whole hell of a lot more than what she was currently getting. Even if Natasha didn't have a crush on her, Steve would still feel the same.

Thinking about how insufferable Brock was, Steve called after Sharon, "Hey, uh --" Sharon paused in the living room, turning back to face him with a quirked brow "-- If he annoys ya too much, I'll make sure to drag him on the volleyball court."

A wide grin stretched across her face and she giggled, "I'll keep that in mind."

Steve nodded, the smile staying on his face as he waved after her. Natasha joined him at the French doors and whispered in his ear, "You're not trying to steal my girl, are ya?"

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and nudged Natasha's ribs with his elbow. He looked over his best friend. Her red roots were growing out and her gray bob looked more white in its fading. Steve rested his head on her shoulder and reassured her, "Just trying to plant the seed that she deserves better."

"Better is me, right?" Natasha asked, resting her cheek on the top of Steve's head.

"Duh," Steve deadpanned, earning a giggle from Natasha and a poke to his side, causing him to squirm.

"Gotta say, Rogers," Natasha started, pressing a kiss to his hair and leaving her lips there as she continued, "You're the best wingman anyone could ask for."

Steve smirked and wrapped his arm around Natasha's waist. When Steve got tired, he got cuddly. He propped his chin on Natasha's shoulder as he confirmed, "You're the best wingwoman anyone could ask."

"I mean, obvi," Natasha teased, "All I had to do was have a hot cousin."

"Oh my god," Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes and pulling away.

Natasha playfully pouted and quickly wrapped her arms tightly around Steve's slender frame. Steve shook his head and stretched his arms above his head, mentally noting that Bucky's sweatshirt was big on him; the sleeves covering his hands and reaching his fingers.

Steve wasn't the only one who got cuddly when they were sleepy. Natasha tucked into Steve. Resting her head on his shoulder and relaxing in Steve's grasp. It was easy for Steve, himself, to relax in the moment. Even if he knew that he needed to talk to her about her hot cousin.

"I don't know about you," Sam started, crossing the deck to where Steve and Natasha were. Noticing that the pair was hugging, a large grin crossed his face as he lifted his arms, silently questioning if he could join. Knowing that Steve wasn't comfortable with a lot of touches, Natasha let him decide.

Steve liked Sam though, so he lifted his arm, letting Sam join them. Pleasantly surprised, Sam eagerly approached. Wrapping his muscular arms around each of them, pulling the pair into his strong, broad frame. It was odd, for Steve. He had never imagined feeling so at home with people he just met. But there he was. Feeling right at home and already feeling homesick.

"Got room for one more?" Bucky's soothing voice softly questioned from behind Steve.

Steve turned his head to look over his shoulder with a smile on his face. Opening up, just a bit more, Steve made room for Bucky. A smile was slowly stretching across Bucky's face, and Steve knew that there'd always be room for him. No matter what.

A bit cautiously, Bucky wrapped his arm around Steve's waist. Making sure not to hold him too tight and making sure not to disturb Natasha's arm either. Steve could feel his heart racing in his chest and wondered if Bucky could feel it too. Wondered if Bucky knew that he was the reason behind it.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now