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"Are you really going to carry that around all night?" Steve asked, playfully punching the large, stuffed unicorn.

"Hey," Bucky complained, chuckling and moving to act like a shield to protect the purple animal. Playing the part, Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky confirmed, "Yes, yes I am."

Steve shook his head, but he couldn't keep the smile off his face. As they stood in line for the Orbiter ride, Steve questioned, "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

Shrugging, Bucky scoffed and grasped the unicorn tighter, "I'm gonna need something to comfort me since you're making me go on that ride."

Chuckling, Steve protested, "I'm not making you do sh--"

A harsh slap to his bum caused Steve to bite off his words mid-sentence and jerk out of the line. Turning around, he found Natasha doubled over in her laughter and Steve playfully swatted at her while sternly informing her, "You scared the crap out of me!"

"I told her not to do it," Sharon agreed with Steve, walking up beside Natasha.

"You did not!" Natasha argued, looking incredulously over at the blonde.

Sharon good-humoredly scoffed, "Yes, I did!"

"Now, girls," Brock slung his arms around both of their shoulders, "I'm sure that there's a civil, erotic, way for you two to settle this."

While Natasha gritted her teeth, Steve couldn't help but exchange a look with Bucky. A you-used-to-have-a-crush-on-him type of look. Not daring to speak the words aloud, but figuring that Bucky understood it regardless. Especially when Bucky blushed and hid his face in the purple unicorn's soft, fluffy body.

"Where'd this come from?" Sam asked, joining the group and tugging on the stuffed animal's rainbow tail.

Proudly preening, Bucky announced, "Steve won 'im for me!"

"No shit?!" Clint smiled surprisingly pleased as Steve nodded.

Feigning offense, Natasha harshly shoved Steve's shoulder, "You were supposed to win me something."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and stood closer to Bucky. Instantly, Bucky casually draped his arm around Steve's shoulders, holding him close. Steve didn't protest as he nuzzled into Bucky's side and tilted his face to smile up at Bucky. Returning the affection with Steve's favorite slow grin, Bucky leaned down and sweetly kissed Steve's forehead.

As they stood in line, Steve was vaguely aware that Sam was complaining that he hung out with the wrong person since all he had won was a small, neon orange stuffed cat. But Steve was only barely listening. Especially since Bucky was tenderly rubbing down Steve's arm, causing Steve to cuddle him just a bit more.

Natasha fell in line beside Steve and gently kicked at his leg to get his attention. Letting his gaze fall from Sam -- who was still ranting -- to her, Steve silently quirked his brows up. Not needing to say anything, Natasha gave Bucky and how cuddly they were a pointed look. When Steve shrugged in mute reply, Natasha theatrically wiggled her eyebrows. Making Steve dramatically roll his eyes and hide his face in Bucky's broad shoulder where his blush instantly took over his face.

Moving up in the line, Bucky rested his cheek on the top of Steve's head as he teased, "Ya promise to hold my hand?"

Steve tilted his face up to look at the handsome brunet and reassured, "Of course!"

"Good," Bucky grinned, "Because I'm really gonna need a strong, brave guy to comfort me."

Thrilling at the compliment, Steve bashfully buried his face in Bucky's wiry frame. Quietly, Steve mumbled into Bucky's chest, "How do you always know exactly what to say?"

"Hmm," Bucky hummed feigning thought as they continued up to the ride. Bucky shrugged and mused, "Maybe I really am a genius."

"Maybe," Steve scoffed, poking Bucky's side and causing him to squirm away.

Steve started up the stairs to the platform, but Bucky paused. Bucky looked down at the stuffed unicorn and looked around. Not wanting to bring it on the ride. Possibly not even allowed to have it on the ride. Steve moved off to the side, waiting for Bucky.

"Oh no," Brock mocked, leaning in close as he feigned concern, "Guess you picked the wrong guy."

Narrowing his eyes at the arrogant brunet, Steve balled his hands into fists. Knowing that no matter how much he wanted to punch Brock, he couldn't. It wouldn't be worth it.

Thankfully, Sam spoke up, "I'll hold onto it."

"Okay," Bucky nodded, handing the purple animal over to his brother. As he started back over to Steve, Bucky turned back around to look at Sam and playfully warned, "You better not run off with him!"

"I don't know," Sam teased, "I think I need him more than you do!"

Playfully, Bucky narrowed his eyes at Sam and pointed warningly at him. Steve rolled his eyes, smiling warmly as he pulled Bucky over to an empty carriage. Taking the seat on the inside, Steve tried to get comfortable on the hard plastic seat while Bucky stood there for a moment.

Once Steve noticed, Steve patted the seat beside him, trying to entice Bucky to join him. Bucky bit his lower lip and asked, "Can I have the inside seat?"

"Um," Steve looked down at the plastic blue seat and shrugged. Standing up, Steve let Bucky take the seat he had been sitting in. Making sure that Bucky was situated, Steve climbed in beside him. Bucky grabbed onto the safety bar and pulled it closer to them.

Steve was securing it closed on his side and Bucky sheepishly admitted, "I'm always nervous that I won't close it properly and something bad will happen."

Brows furrowed with worry, Steve clarified, "You really don't have to ride this, if you don't want to."

"No, it's okay," Bucky reassured. Just for good measure though, he shook the secured safety bar and relaxed in the seat beside Steve, "It's okay."

The Orbiter started moving. Slowly at first. The arms of the ride starting to twirl while the carriages themselves started moving around. Steve's body thrummed with excitement while Bucky held tightly onto the metal restraint in front of them.

Remembering what Bucky had mentioned before, Steve reached out and closed his hand over Bucky's on the safety bar. The ride was starting to pick up momentum. Despite how excited Steve was, he still wanted Bucky to be comforted.

Blowing out a deep breath, Bucky removed his right hand from the bar and Steve removed his hand from on top of his. Then, Bucky held his hand out, palm up, and Steve gladly slid his hand into his. Lacing their fingers together, Steve brought their linked hands up to his mouth and pressed a soothing kiss to Bucky's hand.

Giving Steve's hand a squeeze, Bucky tightly closed his eyes as the ride started really going. Steve couldn't help but chuckle at his own giddiness. His heart feeling light as he held Bucky's hand, letting him know that he was there. Letting him know that he'd always be there.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now