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It was a little after midnight when Natasha stated, "I'm hungry."

Laying in the bed, wearing a faded red The Lion King shirt and a pair of black fleece shorts, Steve glanced over the top of his book to look at Natasha. Dramatically, Natasha sighed and Steve redirected his attention to his book. Turning the page, he deadpanned, "You should've eaten more at dinner."

"Okay, rude," Natasha stated, slapping Steve's foot that was near her face as she laid parallel to Steve. In retaliation, Natasha lifted her foot from her pillow at the head of the bed and attempted to knock the novel out of Steve's hands.

Sighing in annoyance, Steve set the book on his chest and gave Natasha a pointed look. Of course, that only caused her to giggle. Which only added to Steve's annoyance. Steve quirked a brow and asked, "Are ya done?"

"I'm hungry," Natasha exaggerated, sitting up. Taking Steve's hands in hers, Natasha pleaded, "Let's go exploring."

"It sounds like you're bored," Steve corrected, "Not hungry."

"Okay, dad," Natasha mocked, rolling her eyes and examining her nails, picking at the chipping black polish.

Rolling his eyes, Steve climbed off the bed. As Steve stretched his arms above his head, Natasha excitedly clapped in victory before hopping off the bed. Steve shook his head, but the smirk still tugged at his lips.

Quietly, Natasha creaked the door open and peeked her head out into the quiet dark house. Making sure that the coast was clear, Natasha opened the door further and silently exited the bedroom. Gesturing for Steve to follow her, which, of course, he did.

The pair walked down the hall, staying close to the wall, with Steve holding onto her white and black yin-yang shirt. Steve didn't realize how dark it was until they left the room. Typically at his house, there were night lights and the street lights that would shine in through the windows. Being out in the middle of nowhere though reminded Steve of how much he disliked the dark.

"Oh, c'mon!" Brock's voice could be heard, causing Natasha to pause in front of the kitchen entrance. And since Natasha stopped, so did Steve.

There was a light coming from underneath a door at the end of the current hallway, and it didn't take a genius to assume that it was Bucky and Sam's room. Especially since they could hear soft chuckles, almost as though they were aware of the time and that they were trying to keep it down so they didn't wake anyone else up.

Natasha quirked a brow and pulled Steve closer to the closed bedroom door. Sliding down the side of the wall, the pair sat on the hardwood floor. Natasha was actively trying to eavesdrop while Steve reminded Natasha, "I thought you were hungry."

"Shh," Natasha harshly shushed Steve, holding her finger up against her lips.

"Bruh, I'm serious," Sam started. A soft whack could be heard before Sam continued, "If you don't shut the hell up, I'm kicking you out."

"You're telling me that it wouldn't be funny --"

"That's exactly what I'm --"

"To scare them?" Brock finished, speaking over Sam's protest.

"Like they could scare me," Natasha quietly scoffed to Steve, earning a smirk. Natasha joked, "Have they met me?"

Steve playfully nudged his shoulder against Natasha's and heard Brock, "See? Clint gets it! It's an initiation!"

"Shut the hell up!" Sam declared as someone else shushed Brock.

As Steve picked at a string on his sleep shirt and glanced around Natasha in the direction of the boys' bedroom. From the shuffling sounds, one could assume that they were roughhousing. Some chuckles could be heard and Natasha glanced back at Steve. Their brows were furrowed and both shrugged, which only caused them to softly giggle into each other.

Among all the commotion coming from the room, they also heard footsteps. Hastily, Natasha and Steve stood from the their spots, slipping in their socks on the hardwood floor. Trying to make their way as far away from the bedroom as quickly as they could.

Quietly, Steve was successfully heading for the bedroom, but Natasha grabbed the back of Steve's shirt and pulled Steve into the kitchen. Shocked and nervous, Steve started fixing his shirt as he asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm hungry," Natasha shrugged and flipped on the kitchen light, making them both squint their eyes from the sudden bright light. Natasha sneered, "God, have they never heard of a dimmer?"

Just then there were lights being turned on underneath the top cupboards and the overhead ceiling light was turned off. Natasha and Steve turned to look towards the entrance to see the boys standing there.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now