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"Well, shoot honey," Brock smirked, "If ya wanna have fun, I know how to have fun."

Natasha reclined in her seat and crossed her arms along her chest as she stared down Brock. Casually, Natasha stated, "Not my type, honey."

"Yeah?" Brock chuckled. Resting his elbows on the table, Brock leaned forward and wiggled his eyebrows as he said, "I bet I could change that."

"Brock," Sam warned, giving Brock a pointed look.

Brock playfully rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat as he defended himself, "I'm just teasing."

"Uh huh," Sam scoffed, shaking his head and clearly not believing his friend either.

Before anything else could be said, there was a beep from the oven behind them. For a moment, Steve thought about getting it, but Bucky stood from the table first. Sliding out from his seat and making sure to give Steve enough room as he headed around the blond and over to the oven.

"Make sure you put the right time this time," Brock mocked. Steve's brows furrowed and Brock explained, "Buck always manages to burn everything that he tries to make."

"I follow the instructions, so I don't know how it always happens," Bucky declared, putting the cookie sheet with pizza rolls into the oven.

"Guess you can't be good at everything, huh?" Natasha good-naturedly teased her cousin.

"No," Sam agreed, "You sure as hell can't."

"Never claimed to be good at everything. Or anything, for that matter," Bucky stated, going to slide behind the table back to his seat on the bench, but he stumbled. Accidentally, harshly, hitting his knee against Steve's, causing the other boys to laugh. Even Natasha giggled a little.

While Steve rubbed his sore knee, Bucky blushed and apologized, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Steve reassured Bucky with a small smile. Although Bucky did hit Steve's knee pretty hard, it was an accident. Steve also felt bad with the way that the longer the laughter went on, the darker Bucky's blush got.

"See, there's no proof that I pushed Bucky into Steve earlier," Brock mocked while Bucky rubbed his own sore knee.

Not being able to hold his tongue any longer, Steve asked Brock, "Do you treat all of your friends this way?"

Brock cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes as he evaluated Steve for a minute. There was a sly smirk on Brock's tan face and he feigned innocence as he asked, "What way?"

"The douchey way," Natasha declared, taking a sip of her water.

"You," Brock redirected his attention to Natasha, "Think that I'm a douche?"

Steve looked down at his hands that were now resting on his lap. Growing up, Steve was taught that if he didn't have anything nice to say, he shouldn't say anything at all. So, Steve decided not to say anything. Which didn't mean that nothing was said.

"Yes," Natasha nonchalantly answered. Steve glanced up and noticed Brock's gaze on the cup of water as he smeared the condensation with the pad of his thumb. Brock's expression was blank, practically stony, but Steve noticed a vulnerability and a sadness in his eyes.

Feeling bad for making Brock feel bad, Steve amended, "Not you, necessarily. Just some of the things you do."

"Nah, Brock's a douche," Clint teased while Sam agreed, "You had it right the first time."

"So," Natasha started as Brock smiled at his friends. She looked between the boys and asked, "You've just accepted it?"

"I mean," Sam started and stopped, shrugging as though he had made his case.

Then, Brock sassed, "I mean, Stevie's clearly accepted that you're a bitch."

The boys who had been laughing, immediately stopped. Everyone looked at Natasha to see that she had a smile on her face. Steve wondered if anyone else could recognize the vindictive edge to her seemingly sweet grin. It was enough to send a chill down Steve's spine, knowing exactly what was about to come next.

"First off," Natasha started, pausing to take a drink of her water. Setting the cup down, Natasha coolly continued, "No one gets to call him, 'Stevie,' but me. Second, you don't even know me. The sun could shine out of my ass 24/7 and you'd be none the wiser."

Sam and Clint were softly chuckling, as Steve pressed his lips together, keeping himself from laughing. Meanwhile, Bucky and Brock both looked incredibly shocked by Natasha and the calm way that she was talking.

Leaning forward, Natasha finished, "Third, you keep up this attitude and you'll wish that you never met me."

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now