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All twisted up inside, it wasn't a surprise that Steve didn't sleep well. Just like it wasn't a surprise when he woke up in the late hours of the morning with a knock on the door. Steve's eyes snapped open to find Natasha already awake. She sat there with her chunky headphones on and was strumming her thumbs on her thigh in time to the sound.

Another knock and Steve pushed her thigh, instantly getting her attention. Her brows knitting together as she harshly asked, "What?"

"Someone's at the door," Steve groggily explained before rolling over to face the window.

Feeling the bed dip and quickly spring back into place as Natasha walked over to the door. Steve closed his eyes, wanting to sleep for as long as he could. As Steve started drifting off again, he heard the gruff voice of Brock, and immediately rolled halfway over to keep an eye on Natasha.

"We're going out to the g-spot, you two wanna come?" Brock questioned, causing Natasha's expression to momentarily scrunch in disgust.

"Excuse me?" Natasha questioned, placing her hand on her popped hip.

"It's this great, privately owned water hole," Brock stated, purposely attempting to make it sound dirty.

Steve rolled his eyes and Natasha sneered, "We'll pass, thanks."

"Hey, no need to be so mean, baby," Brock smoothly stated, causing Steve's stomach to twist into even tighter knots.

Natasha leaned in close and told him, "I'm not your, 'baby.'"

Steve wished that he could've seen Brock's face, but Natasha slammed the door right in his usually smug face. Even though Steve wasn't the one who did it, he still felt satisfied by his best friend's actions. It was exactly what he needed as he rolled back over to face the window.

"Fine," Brock called from the other side of the door. "Just trying to be nice!"

"Well, thanks for trying, I guess," Natasha stated, an edge to her words.

"It might be nice if you try too!"

"Don't hold your breath," Natasha mocked from inside the guestroom. Then, she stated, "On second thought --"

"If you're going to keep talking to me, I'm going to assume that it's okay to come in!" Brock called and Steve could picture the smug grin on his stupid face.

"Can you believe that dude?" Natasha quietly scoffed to Steve, returning to her spot on the bed. Steve felt the bed dip as she sat down. Natasha leaned over and rested her head on Steve's shoulder as she asked, "Are you going to sleep all day?"

"Maybe," Steve yawned, his eyes still closed.

"I don't want to be stuck in this room all day," Natasha whined.

Steve groaned in his annoyance and replied, "Then, leave."

"You're no fun when you're tired," Natasha huffed, sitting up. Playfully, she nudged Steve and said, "You're downright grumpy, you know that?"

"That's a sign to leave me alone," Steve said, rolling onto his back. His eyes still closed as he faced the ceiling.

"See," Natasha said, stretching out so she was lying beside Steve. Cuddling closer to Steve, she moved Steve's arm and he placed it around her back as Natasha rested her head on Steve's shoulder. Continuing her statement, "You're no fun when you're tired."

Rubbing Natasha's back, Steve yawned, "Just giving you a taste of your own medicine."

In retaliation, Natasha dug her finger into Steve's side, causing him to squirm away while she muttered, "Ass."

"Bitch," Steve retorted with a chuckle, pulling Natasha just a little closer.

"Rude," Natasha huffed playfully.

"Nah," Steve stretched, tightening his grasp on Natasha while doing so. Relaxing, Steve declared, "What's rude is you waking me up."

"I didn't wake you up," Natasha argued, removing her head from Steve's shoulder, so she could look at him.

Steve shrugged and said, "You're still not letting me sleep."

"Only because it's almost noon," Natasha debated.

"Really?" Steve questioned, peeking over at her. Natasha nodded and Steve scrubbed his hand over his face as he sighed, "Well, shit."

"Exactly!" Natasha confirmed, sitting up. Poking Steve's side, she said, "Let's go do something!"

Steve scoffed, "What are we going to do?"

Natasha shrugged, "I'm sure we'll think of something."

Giving her a look, Steve sat up and questioned, "Why does it feel like I'm babysitting you?"

"Because you're the responsible one," Natasha flashed a shit-eating grin while moving to sit on her feet.

Rolling his eyes, Steve climbed off the bed. Stretching his arms up above his head, Steve muttered, "For once, I'd like to not be."

"Oh, please," Natasha scoffed, "You love it."

Steve rolled his eyes again, but he didn't argue. Natasha, like always, was right. Steve did love it. He loved being the one that she turned to. He loved that, even though Natasha was the leader and the one often in charge, she still knew that Steve was the responsible one. For the most part, at least.

Returning to the room with his toothbrush, Steve suggested, "What if we hang out with the goats?"

Natasha's brows furrowed. In fact, her whole face furrowed as she claimed, "See, this is why I always come up with the ideas."

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now