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Steve glanced around for another vehicle, but didn't find one. Feeling a bit queasy, Steve mentally counted everyone there. No way were they going to be able to shove everyone into that vehicle. Sure, it was decently large, but some would likely have to sit on each other's laps. And with Steve being the second smallest person there...

With his heart instantly starting to race, Steve nervously moved away from the Bronco. Wondering if he had made the right choice. After all, if he stayed back, there would be more space in the vehicle. He could just go back inside and stay in the air conditioning and find other things to do. Natasha didn't need to stay with him. Natasha should go swimming if she wanted to go swimming and Steve could tell that she wanted to go swim--

Colliding with a body as he backed further away from the Bronco, Steve paused his steps. Suddenly standing as stiff as a board as he prayed that it wasn't Brock. Please, please, pleasepleaseplease--

"Sorry," came from behind him.

Instantly the tension eased from Steve's shoulders at just hearing the voice and recognizing it as Bucky's. Even if Steve hadn't spotted Brock on the other side of the Bronco, Steve was sure that he'd still feel relieved that it was Bucky.

Steve turned around and sheepishly smiled up at Bucky. Who was blushing. And made the butterflies flutter in Steve's stomach at how cute Bucky was, even when -- no. Especially when he blushed.

"Yo," Brock called out, hitting the top of the Bronco, "Ya comin'?"

Silently, Steve nodded and followed Natasha into the back. Natasha sat next to Sam and Steve squeezed in close to Natasha as Bucky finally climbed in. Bucky shifted and held close to the side of the vehicle, giving Steve more space.

Sharon smiled back at everyone as she pushed the lifted seat back into place. As Sharon lifted Tibby up, so she could take the middle seat up from, Natasha grabbed Steve's hand, giving it a squeeze. Steve didn't need to be a mind reader to know that Natasha was obviously melting at how affectionate and cute Sharon was being with the cutest Barnes member.

As Brock climbed in behind the steering wheel, he closed the door and the back door closed as well. Steve glanced back to find Mandy on one side of the cooler and Becca on the other. Both with their phones in hand and Steve smirked as he faced forward again.

Momentarily, Steve's gaze paused on Bucky. The way that Bucky seemed tense beside him. Almost as though he was attempting to restrain himself to the edge of the seat. As though he didn't want to make Steve uncomfortable.

Steve's heart stuttered and Steve moved over just a little closer to Natasha, so Bucky could relax a bit. Bucky watched as Steve shifted in his seat. Steve gave the seat and the new gap a pointed look, trying to get the point across that Bucky didn't have to be so rigid.

With a bashful grin, Bucky shifted in his seat. Seemingly grateful for the added space. Still a bit shy. Especially when his thigh pressed against Steve's, and Steve attempted to be as calm as he could be. Even if Steve's heart was racing at the contact.

Finally, the Bronco started moving. Heading down the curve of the driveway, Steve relaxed a little more into the seat. Trying to get ready for the inevitable long drive ahead of them as they rode silently down the driveway.

"Yo, we gonna have tunes or just listen to ourselves breathe?!" Becca complained from the very back of the Bronco.

"I mean, breathing can be very titillating," Brock loudly teased. At his joke, Sam leaned forward and hit the back of Brock's head. Chuckling, Brock complained, "Hey!"

"Hey, yourself," Sam retorted, shifting in his seat to give everyone more space.

"It's what you get," Sharon told Brock. As they paused at the end of the driveway, Sharon reached forward and turned on the radio.

A pop-rock song came on and Mandy grumbled from the back, "I guess it's better than nothing."

Steve smirked at that. Bucky shifted in his seat again, instantly gaining Steve's attention. Not that it was particularly difficult for Bucky to do. Steve still glanced over at Bucky though. Bucky noticed and an apology was on the tip of his tongue, Steve was sure.

"Is it, uh..." Bucky softly started, slightly surprising Steve that he wasn't apologizing. Without even realizing it, Steve found himself hanging on Bucky's every word as he continued, "Is it... okay, if I, uh..." Steve's brows furrowed and Bucky gestured to the back of the seat and bashfully rushed, "Putmyarm...?"

Briefly, Steve felt like asking Bucky why he was asking him until he realized that if Bucky placed his arm there, it would be directly behind him. It reminded Steve of the movies that he had seen. About how guys typically did a move like that to get cozy with a date. Steve's cheeks reddened and he averted his gaze as he nodded his consent.

For a moment, Bucky didn't move. Despite his ears being red, Steve looked up at Bucky. Once they were looking at each other, Bucky asked, "Ya sure?"

"Yeah," Steve confirmed and instantly regretted it when his voice cracked.

That slow, fond grin stretched across Bucky's face and he carefully placed his arm along the back of the seat. Making sure not to touch Steve as he did so. Steve wondered what would happen if he leaned his head back. Steve wondered why he cared.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now