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"Bucky and Steve," Sam started from the deck. Steve looked up at Bucky, both sitting in the playhouse. Sam -- and everyone else, it sounded like -- continued singing, "Sitting in a tree! K-i-s-s-i-n-g!"

"They're super mature, if you couldn't tell," Bucky deadpanned, causing Steve to softly chuckle.

They were still sitting across from each other. Neither had moved forward to make good on their deal. Neither feeling the need to rush anything. Steve was just trying to memorize everything that he could about Bucky. Especially when they didn't have much summer left.

With a sigh, Steve pushed himself off the side of the wall and clarified, "If we don't get down there, Natasha will come up here."

"Sounds like Nattie," Bucky conceded, pushing off the wall, as well. Stumbling, Bucky nearly smashed his face into the playhouse floor. Thankfully, Steve was there and grabbed his arm to stop him from doing so. Blushing, Bucky regained his balance and shyly smiled up at Steve, "Thanks."

"No problem," Steve quietly reassured. Noticing the sweet way that Bucky was looking at him, Steve bit his own lower lip and bashfully looked down.

Taking Steve's hand from his bicep, Bucky gently squeezed it. A little cautiously, Steve lifted his head to look up Bucky. Their eyes locking for a moment before Bucky's gaze slipped to Steve's mouth. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Bucky wanted to kiss him. Even if Bucky's gaze did quickly redirect to Steve's eyes.

Of course, by that point, Steve was leaning in. Not usually the one to make the first move, Steve's heart was pounding aggressively in his chest. Keeping his gaze on Bucky's lips gave him some courage, and Steve only glanced up once to find Bucky's eyelids were already hooded. That gave Steve that extra nudge to finally close his own eyes and press his lips to Bucky's.

Bucky tenderly squeezed Steve's hand and promptly lifted his other to hold Steve's face. Just like the first time, Steve melted into the kiss. Savoring each kiss as much as possible. Afraid of not getting nearly enough before he had to leave.

And although Steve would've liked to spend the rest of the night kissing Bucky, he reluctantly pulled back. Knowing that if he didn't, Natasha really would go up into that playhouse. Steve really didn't want that to happen. He knew that he'd never hear the end of it as is, but it'd be even worse if she had to pull him out of the clubhouse.

Sitting there, Steve watched Bucky's eyes slowly open. Once their eyes met, Bucky breathlessly said, "Thanks."

Chuckling under his breath, Steve shook his head. Wondering how he could have a crush on such a dork. Wondering what he'd do once he was no longer around such a dork.

Not wanting to miss out on his chance, Steve leaned in and briefly kissed Bucky again. And then Steve teasingly threatened, "If you thank me again, I'm never kissing you again."

Playing along, Bucky pressed his lips together and lifted his hand from Steve's to pretend to zip his lips. Tossing the imaginary key over his shoulder, Bucky simply gazed at Steve. Softly stroking his thumb along Steve's jaw.

"Okay, seriously!" Mandy called, "Come out!"

Bucky sighed and reluctantly dropped his hand from Steve's face. Bucky made his way over to the slide and pushed himself down. Steve took a moment to himself. Just catching his breath the best that he could while everyone else declared that they were going to make a bonfire and eat s'mores.

Sliding out of the playhouse, Steve headed over to the fire pit. As soon as he reached the group, however, Steve immediately regretted it. Especially with all the clapping and wolf whistles. Blushing profusely, Steve ducked his head and took the empty seat between Bucky's and Natasha's.

A lit cigarette hanging from her mouth, Natasha smirked at Steve. As she pulled the cigarette back and exhaled a puff of smoke away from Steve, she approved, "Get it, Stevie."

"Shut up," Steve scoffed, playfully rolling his eyes and bashfully hiding his face in the soft material of the borrowed sweatshirt.

At that, Natasha affectionately ruffled his short blond hair. Peeking over at her, Steve felt a little more relieved when Natasha winked at him. Forever thankful to have her in his life. Fully aware that as soon as they went back inside, he intended on telling her everything.

"How do you like your marshmallows, Steve?" Bucky softly asked from his other side.

"Your boy's talking to ya," Natasha teased, wiggling her eyebrows at him.

Swatting her, Steve chuckled and pulled away, finding Bucky holding a roasting fork with a marshmallow on each prong. Steve smiled and declared, "I like 'em burnt."

"No one likes burnt marshmallows," Brock mocked while Mandy good-naturedly joked, "Yeah, ya nasty!"

"What-the-fuck-ever," Natasha scoffed, stubbing out her cigarette as Sharon approached, handing out bars of chocolate and sleeves of graham crackers.

"Exactly," Sharon agreed, smiling at Natasha before winking at Steve, "The crispier the better."

Natasha propped her head on her hand on the chair's armrest. Wistfully, Natasha sighed, "Where have you been all my life."

A wide grin spread across Sharon's face at Natasha's comment before she headed back over to the other side where her seat was between Brock's and Carol's. Steve watched her for a moment. Noting that the grin didn't leave Sharon's face. Not until Brock wrapped his arm around Sharon's shoulders and harshly pulled her into him.

Call It What You Want: Home Series 1 (Trans!Steve and Pan!Bucky Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now