Edit as of 10/11/2024: thank you for 1 million reads, it truly is an incredible achievement, I never in my entire lifetime would think that this story that a fifteen year old version of myself would amass a million reads so thank you!
This story is...
I was shocked when I heard the exorcist who attacked my pawn, Issei, Freed Selzen talked about a guy with a mask that had killed everyone in an abandoned church, 'wasn't that the church, Kiba told me about when he saw all of those dead bodies when he went on that mission,' I thought and I asked him, "wasn't it in that abandoned church?," i asked him and he nodded. "What are you talking about?," my queen asked and I was about to reply when the masked man Freed was talking about came out of the shadows and said...
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Y/n pov:
"Hello devils and freaky exorcist!," I said and grinned. "Am I interrupting something,?" I asked smirking and Freed answered back, "no you're just in time, infact you saved me time of finding you and now I could just kill you right now!," he asked and I just chuckled and start laughing, "wow, the last time we fought, tells a different story, it shows that I could kill you if I wanted right now and none of your measly attempts could stop me!," I told him coldly and he looked scared to death and I just smirked and looked towards the devils location.
"Who are you bunches of weak ass devils?," I asked them hoping it would piss them off and it looked like it did, "who you calling weak!" The pretty boy known as 'Kiba' was gonna attack me when, his president Rias Gremory stopped him, "Kiba, we'll worry about him later right now we have to focus on saving Issei, and deal with this guy," she said pointing to Freed and I asked, "wait, you guys couldn't defeat the freaky exorcist,?" I asked knowing the answer and they shook their head and I just laughed. "You guys really are weak!," and I continued, "you couldn't defeat this weak ass ripoff of Alexander Anderson!," and I continued laughing.
"What's that supposed to mean!?," Freed shouted and I replied, "it means that you're both pathetic, and that you," I pointed to Freed, "and it means that you are a big compared to me!," I told them. He lunged at me trying to attack me and I used the same maneuver I did earlier on him.
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"You never learn do you?," I asked him seriously and I just lifted him up with his shirt and punched him in his belly and kicked him away.