Chapter 53

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We see our main character, y/n inside Shiva's mansion. What is he doing there you may ask? Well after his one sided fight against the Vali Team, and after his transformation into his berserk like form, he absolutely decimated them. It was so one sided that he ended up killing them with one of his gigantic blasts. Although he felt that Le Fay might still be alive. Here comes the reason to why he's here in the first place. The Hindu God Of Destruction, Shiva sensed his overwhelming power and decided to take him in but for a very special and a very important reason for the sake of the supernatural world. What is it? Well he'll learn it now.

Y/n pov:

'My head hurts,' was the last thing I thought as I woke up. I had a very bad headache and my head was hurting really badly. I sat down on the bed and looked around. The room looked really foreign to me and I definitely knew that I wasn't in heaven or my old home.

'Where am I?' I looked around the room and it resembled one that you would most likely find in India. There were pictures of Hindu Gods, more specifically Shiva. There was alot of paintings and drawings of him placed on the walls.

"I see you're awake" a voice said from the door that was behind me, and when I turnt to it, I saw a Male about the same age as me in term of looks with green-bluish hair.

"Who are you?" I ask slightly unnerved as he chuckled and said, "don't worry, I mean no harm. For who I am, I'm Shiva" when he said that my eyes widened.

This man was regarded as the 4th strongest being in the world and the strongest god in the world. He was not to mess with even the Biblical God avoided any confrontation with him.

The biggest question however was what the heck I was even in house for. ''What am I doing here, Lord Shiva?'' I asked him with a bow as he chuckled again. "Just like the Christian God, there's no need to bow. As I always reminded him, I remain neutral on whatever affairs he was in."

I slightly smiled, "sorry about that. Anyways back to my question, why am I here?" I asked him and he responded, "yes about that. You see your battle against some of the members of Khaos Brigade caught my interest"

I was confused, "what battle?" I asked him. "Don't you remember, your battle against them?" I shook my head. "Well you took a form that was impressive. You absolutely decimated your opponents, it was quite amusing to watch if I must add" when he said that I began getting flashbacks.

Flashbacks to me transforming, me beating up Vali, Bikou, Arthur all flashed in my head. I slightly smirked at my show of power, 'those foolish bastards' but that smirk soon faded as I remembered Vali stabbing Ayumi through her gut.

"How is Ayumi?! Is she ok?!" I hurriedly asked Shiva with a worried look plastered on my face and he smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, Michael told me that they managed to recover her before the blast. Also I think you should know Le Fay Pendragon is alive. She wasn't in the radius of the blast and managed to escape."

I sighed in relief as Ayumi didn't die. Even though they were evil, I still felt bad about killing Vali and the rest. Sure, they attacked Ayumi but for some reason. I felt bad.

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