Chapter 1

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Gabriel, one of the archangels of heaven was finishing up on a mission in an abandoned building that was requested to her by Michael who was was also an archangel and the leader of heaven after 'he' died,when she noticed something peculiar in the area, she was in.

Gabriel pov:

A/n: I know this is not manga Gabriel, but the manga Gabriel looks straight out of some bikini magazine, not complaining tho, I just didnt feel that her picture from the manga was suited for her doing a mission

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A/n: I know this is not manga Gabriel, but the manga Gabriel looks straight out of some bikini magazine, not complaining tho, I just didnt feel that her picture from the manga was suited for her doing a mission

" Darn, the excaliburs are still missing and this is the 5th time I've searched, I wonder who has it?" 'wait what's that power I'm sensing, its comparable to mid class devils, I better go check this out'

"Whose there, I'm the archangel Gabriel so u should know how strong I am, so if you come out, I may spare you!!!" I shouted but I got no answer, so I decided to wait a little but go no answer but ill wait a bit more

5 mins: *No response*

10 mins: *No response*

"Who ever that had that power must have left by now, *sigh* another failed mission." I was about to leave when I felt the power back again but the strangest thing was, that I heard crying.

"Someone must be hurt" so I rushed to the area of the crying but I still saw no one but the mysterious power and the crying was still there. I figured it must be some sort of illusion magic that someone was using to try and lure me in, so I focused and flared my aura

"Whoevers there, by the holy God, I demand you to show yourself!!" but still nothing, I was getting frustrated, first falling the mission and then this.
Then I saw a peculiar sight.

Wrapped up in a blanket was a baby not less than 8 months old.

Wrapped up in a blanket was a baby not less than 8 months old

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*Like that but imagine the baby shivering*

I also saw a note next to him. It read:
To whomever reads this letter, please take care of my son. I couldn't keep him due to the gifts he had and he was in constant danger of being kidnapped. I managed to wear them off but they will come back. Please take care of my baby boy. Oh and his name is y/n l/n.

I went and picked up the boy and I touched his face and he nuzzled onto my hand. "What did they mean by gifts?" I questioned my myself. Then suddenly he started to cry and I felt the power I felt earlier come back. I searched again and found nothing, then it hit me.

"That power I felt, was coming from you, but you're just a child,tho!!" My suspicions were cleared as he began to cry again and the power came back. "You poor thing, your parents must have being humans that had knowledge of the supernatural and that already was dangerous for them so when they had you, and noticed your power, you must have been in such danger." The baby boy just looked up at me and giggled, ofcourse he wouldn't understand

An idea came to my head," I wonder if I take you back to heaven and they notice how strong you are, they can take you in and this mission will be kinda successful and we can gain a powerful ally for the future, yes, I shall do that, that way you can grow up in a safe environment and not get harmed and we gain a powerful ally for the future."

So I started to head off to find my car, which was a, dodge charger hellcat, yes I am a fan of cars like these.

"Ah there it is." So I started to drive off to a safe spot in order for me to reach heaven, I didn't want any Devils or fallen Angel's sensing me or the baby. I reached my home on Earth and I parked the car inside the garage. The baby seemed hungry so I went in and I fed him, I silently put him to sleep as teleporting can cause babies to get sick so I didnt want that to happen.

So I prepared a teleportation circle and I stepped into it

*Scene Change*

I finally arrived at heaven, the guards greeted me, when they saw the baby they were gonna ask about him but I sent them a glare cause he was sleeping and I didn't want him to wake up so they quickly quieted themselves.

I reached my office inside heaven and I quickly put him to rest on one of my chairs. I then heard a knock on my door and I immediately knew who it was.

"Hey Gabriel, how was the mission I sent you on?" Michael asked

"Um, it was a failure again," he was gonna say something but I quickly interjected him by saying "but this time, I found someone even better."

"Someone?" Michael asked

"Yep, this baby," I pointed towards y/n

" Gabriel, you brought a baby!!!!," Michael asked.

"You can't just bring random babies into heaven," he said

Normally I would have nothing to say but this time I did " Yes, but this boy is special!" I said confidently

"Explain." Michael said

A/n: this is my first story I have ever officially written on wattpad and I know there will be mistakes an errors here and there, any criticism will be taken into consideration and if you have any advice plz message me, it'll help me massively. I wanna give a shout out to Jazz094 for giving me some advice for this story so thank you! And thank you for reading this story!!

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